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Two weeks had passed since I was let out of the hospital and today was the first day I was allowed to see JD. "Jesus I hope he's okay." I told Heather McNamara as we walked down the far to familiar hallways. I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong with him. "I'm sure he's fine the doctor would have told us." She tried to reassure me. Yeah I'm sure she's right but still something was off. We arrived at his room and I knocked gently on the door. I really hope he was awake. "Ladies come in." The doctor smiled as he opened up the door.  We smiled back at him and then entered the room. "Mr Dean. Do you know who either of these two ladies are?" The doctor asked him as he picked up his clipboard off of the nightstand. I looked at JD and felt my heart melt. God I forgot how cute he was. He then looked into my eyes and smiled at me. "How could I ever forget the best thing in my life?" He said softly. I felt tears rush to my eyes, god he always knew what to say or what to do. "Doc if I ever forget Veronica please just kill me there and then." He said. That then made me start bawling my eyes out. Oh my god did I love him "Hey doc, I have a question about science." Heather said awkwardly as she turned around and faced the doctor. It was clear she wanted to leave the room as fast as she could. "Oh yes, as a doctor I need to know science so let's go into the hallways and talk science." He said awkwardly. The two of them then left the room faster than a humming bird could flap it's wings.

"JD." I cried. He softly smiled at me and then patted the spot on the bed next to him. I laid down on the bed and hugged him tighter than I ever had before. "Ronnie. Please don't cry." He mumbled as he started to play with my hair. "I was just so worried." I sniffled back to his and I tried to hold him tighter. Words couldn't express how relieved I was that he was okay so I guess tears did it for me. "Baby, I'm not ever gonna leave you." He said before placing a kiss on my forehead.

I wanted Kurt and Ram to be dead just not like this. "What do you wanna do babe? Catch a movie? Get a slushie what?" JD asked as he joined me on the couch and put an arm around me.  The double funeral for them was tomorrow and I had no idea what to feel. Feel about how everyone was acting, about their deaths itself or even about JD. "Nothing." I sighed as I put his arm off of me. I didn't want him to touch me let alone look at me but at the same time I was craving him and his touch. "Come on you can't still be mad at me. They deserved it." He tried to reason as tried to hold my hand. Can't be mad?  I can't be mad?  We just killed two people and three days go we killed my best friend. "JD. I'm sorry but I can't see your logic. Killing people just isn't right and it's not solving anything." I told him. He told me the extreme always makes an expression, sadly it wasn't a good one. "It dose. We scare these assholes into not being evil fucks. Come on Ronnie. They made you cry. For that they should be dead." I don't know weather I should kiss him for being so protective or punch him in the face for being such a psycho. "No JD. We cannot go around killing everyone. Okay? JD promise me you'll stop this. Okay promise me." I told him in a voice just above a whisper. He took a deep breath and then pulled out a gun from his trench coat. " Okay Veronica. Have it." He sighed as he put his gun in my hands. It was the same gun he used when he shot Kurt and Ram with blanks. Same gun he used when he actually shot them. "JD. Are you? " I asked but then got cut off by him. "You want me to stop I'll stop. Whatever makes you happy." He said. Oh my God. He was hanging up his gun for me? "I trust you JD." I smiled at him as I handed the gun back. I really didn't want that thing in my house and I did trust him. I think. "I love you Ronnie." He smiled at me as he put the gun back in his coat. "Shut up. " I laughed as I grabbed his face and started kissing him.

Obviously he broke that promise but for some reason that didn't bother me. "What you thinking about?" He asked. I snapped back into reality and looked at him. "Nothing." I sighed as I tried to snuggle in closer to him. It didn't really work as we were already as close as close could be. "Veronica I need to tell you something." He said some what worried as he sat up.  I then sat up with him and held his hand. "Veronica. I understand if you never want to see me again but I need to tell you this. Heather and I." He started but I cut him off. "I know and it's okay. I forgive you." I told him. I found it nice that he would bother to tell me but also strange. JD was not one to share his feelings or what was going on with his life unless he was forced to. "You... You do?" He stumbled to find the right words he was so shocked but that was so unlike him. He always knew what to say.

"Yeah. I do JD." I reassured him as I wrapped him into a tight hug. God after not being able to see him for at least a month I needed him in every way possible. "Hey. What are you doing?" He asked as I started kissing his neck. What did it look like I was doing? "If you let me continue you'll find out." I giggled to him as I tried to get back to what I was doing. "Veronica,you sure you want that? I mean we could like cuddle." He suggested. What? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Jason Dean wanted to cuddle? Usually he would be asking what colour bra I was wearing and telling me to lock the door. "Oh yeah sure." I mumbled as I laid back down with him. He might have been alive but he was not Jason Dean.

A/N sorry this took a while!  I've been talking to this boy 😏 And also cyclone Debbie (well what's left of her)  wants to be a bitch but I got two days off of school and then I'm on holiday! So I'll be a lot more active. Okay well tell me what you think of this.

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