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Mentions of suicidal thoughts. I think?  I don't know I thought I should put a warning up.

Three weeks had passed and only Martha and my parents had visited me. Great just fucking great. The one person I thought I could trust was screwing around with my so called boyfriend. He told me that he was a virgin when he met me. Unless that was also a lie. Or maybe it was true and then he was just cheating on me. I thought I could trust him and that he would never do that to me. Guess I was wrong. I knew I should have never gotten involved with the popular kids, now I'm in all this bullshit. I wish JD did kill me in the boiler room. I wish he just shot my fucking brains out, least that way he wouldn't have caused me all this pain. I like to believe that he actually cared for me at one stage while we were dating.

I walked into the classroom with my head down low and for the first time I sat in my assigned seat and did some school work. I knew the whispers from my class mates were about me and my teacher gave me a strange look. It was either because I was actually sitting in my seat or because she heard that I was the biggest whore in school. The bell rang and everyone fell silent and started their work. But something was off. JD wasn't here. JD was always here. "Sorry Miss I'm late." A voice said that broke the silence. I looked over to where the voice was coming from and smiled. Wait no. What if he's heard the rumor? What am I talking about? Everyone and anyone has heard about Kurt and Ram's stupid little rumor. I then looked straight down at my paper and tried to act like I didn't know he was there.

"Hey Ronnie." JD whispered as he moved his desk so it was right next to mine. "Hi." I mumbled back as I scribbled down random words. Oh god he was going to break up with me right here and now wasn't he? "Ronnie look at me." He asked as he grabbed my hand tight enough to stop me from moving it but not tight enough to actually hurt me. I then dropped my pen and slowly looked up at him. That's when I saw it. He had this massive bruise on his right cheek and a split lip. I saw him this morning and he didn't have any of that so it must have been recent. "Oh my God JD what happened to you? " I asked as I lightly touched his bruse, he lightly flinched at the touch and backed away. "I ran into our good friends Ram and Kurt."  He told me as he loosened the grip on my hand. Oh great he got hurt because of a rumor about me. "Oh shit." I mumbled as I started look down at my paper again. He got his free hand and then tilted my head up so my eyes met his. "Hey. It's okay." He smiled at me lightly. No it wasn't okay. He was in pain cause of me. "What happened?" I asked softly. I hope they didn't beat up to badly and then again I'm sure JD could take them. "So this beefy asshole came to me and he started asking if he could have a session with my girlfriend. I had no idea what he was talking about and then he asked if she charged people and if they wanted a swordfight will she pay extra. I still had no idea what they were talking about and next thing I know Ram and Kurt are gesturing blow jobs and moaning your name. So I did what any decent person would do and punched Kurt in the face and then they ganged up on me and now I'm here." He explained to me. He started a punch up? For me?

"Oh my god." I stumbled. He was about to speak but then I cut him off by kissing him. Oh my god I love him. "That's more like it." He smirked. I then moved from my assigned seat to my usual seat, which was on JD's lap pushed up against the wall. "Thank you JD." I whispered before planting a kiss on his forehead. "Anything for you. Now about tonight. You wearing the white lace bra or blue?" He smiled as he raised an eyebrow at me. Now this was the reason why I loved this this class. "What do you think? Blue cause you like it." I laughed. God he made all my troubles disappear with in a heartbeat. Bad choice of words considering he killed my best friend a few days back but still. "Honey I like you in anything." He told me before we began our usual class make out session.

God damn it. I am in love with Jason Dean. I know I figured this out not to long ago but still I was kinda hoping that I was wrong. Shit. Great I just lost one of my best friends and the guy I'm in love with. I wish I was dead. I wish JD and Martha never found me in the bathroom. "Hey." A voice said as the door squeaked open. I looked at who was there.  A nicer less bloody version of Heather McNamara stood there. No I was still mad at her. "Go away." I said as I laid on my side so my back was away from her. "I'm sorry. I'm really god damn sorry." She began to cry. Shit. She was crying because of me. I know I'm not the bad guy in this situation but I still felt bad. "Fine whatever. What did you come here for?" I mumbled. God I hated feelings.

"She died." Heather sniffled. What? She died? I know I wanted her to but I didn't actually want it. "When?" I asked her while trying not to cry. Jesus I'm a horrible person. "Three weeks ago. She died two hours after being admitted. You mind if I sit? " She said quietly. Wow someone died and they didn't think it was a good idea to tell me. I shrugged my shoulders and then she joined me on my bed.

"I'm really sorry. Please Veronica. You don't have to like me just know that I'm sorry." She started to sob. I then started shedding a few tears of my own but I didn't want her to know. "I know Heather. I'm sorry I guess." I mumbled back to her. I then started bawling my eyes out and she just laid down and wrapped an arm around me. "It's okay." She whispered in my ear and she tightened her grip on me. This is what I needed. A best friend to hold me and tell me it was okay even though we had the biggest fight and I wished she was rotting in and hell and all these horrible things she still cared.

A good hour had passed and I was nearly asleep when a knock on the door came out of no where. "Veronica we need to talk." A familiar voice said. Oh great it was my doctor. Wait, he wasn't just my doctor but he was also JD's. I shot up and looked at him with great concern on my face. "It's about Jason." He said. I could feel tears rush to my eyes. "Something happened." He told as he read through his clipboard. Oh God please let him be okay.

"He woke up." The doctor said, somwhat happy. Tears of joy and relief came flooding out as Heather hugged me tightly. "We don't know if he loss any memories or anything like that so we'll keep him under observation for a while. I'll let you know when you can see him." He informed me. Oh my God. He was okay. Well that we know of. The important thing was that he was alive and wake.

A/N. I wanted a cliff hanger but someone said no. Also sorry this may seem crappy. I had to change it when I was rushed.  But JD is awake Yay! Okay well let me know what you think of this and sorry the flash back is so long. Also I found out that auto correct likes to change classroom to bedroom. Okay

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