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I left Veronica's house and walked the dark streets of Sherwood Ohio alone. Usually I would be scared to wits end because a 17 year old walking home alone in the dark would scream trouble but this being Sherwood Ohio it was safer. I couldn't help but think about my last conversation with Veronica. Why didn't she like me anymore? I was kind, well dressed, respectable and we'll a decent human being. I know who I was before and I feel horrible for the pain I must have put on Heather, Ram and Kurt's families. All the giving the must he going through and all because of my stupid teen angst against my father.

I shortly arrived home and to my surprise it wasn't empty. "Hey JD." My dad called out as he watched the football on the TV. "Hey dad." I said as I took of my flannel and threw it on the nearby table. "You wanna join me? Oh yeah leftovers are in the fridge." He asked me as he turned the TV volume down. Wow I had his full attention for once odd. I went over to the fridge and got out the plate of what seemed to be spaghetti. Veronica's favorite. "I'll pass on the football but thanks." I told him as I made my way to my room. "Okay and I hope you don't mind but I started unpacking. " He yelled back.

I put the plate on the nightstand and fell onto my bed. I missed Veronica. I just wish she liked the new me. "Buddy why doesn't she like me?" I asked my hamster. I'm glad Buddy was still there for me. He gave me a few meaningless squeaks in response. That's right he's a hamster. I then saw a picture of me and Veronica next to his cage. I got up and picked up the picture , I remember that day like it was yesterday.

"Come on Veronica. I am trying to make you happy." I sighed as I held her hand tightly. We killed Heather Chandler a few nights back and she's been having these weird mood swings. One minute she was all sexual and wanted me in every way possible but now she wanted to have nothing to do with me. "JD." She sighed as she let go of my hand. I hated when she was like this. I did what she wanted, she wanted Heather out of her life and I did just that. "Come on Veronica. Let's go to the Snappy Snack Shack and then I don't know we can go to the park or something." I told her. She took a deep sigh and the grabbed my hand again. "Can we stop by the library first?" She mumbled. Veronica always had a love for reading and I would never admit it but I loved when she read to me. "Whatever you want babe."

We stopped by the library and got a few books, I don't know what they were called or what they were about I just did it so she would read them to me and then we stopped by the Snappy Snack Shack and got our usual Coke and Cherry slushies. "You wanna go to the park and hang there or something?" I asked her before taking a slip of my drink. She had finally gotten out of her slump and was actually wanting to spend time with me now. "Yeah. I do." She smiled at me.

We hung out at the park for hours and had a blast. "JD." Veronica smiled at me brightly. I smiled back at her and saw her pull out a camera. "Ronnie no, you know I hate photos." I whined to her. She didn't care and just started laughing. "Excuse me, would you like me to take a photo of you two?" A young lady said to Veronica. Oh Jesus. Now I have to do it. "That's so nice of you! Thank you." Veronica exclaimed as she gave the camera to the other woman. I sighed and then walked over to Veronica and wrapped my arms around her. "You owe me." I mumbled softly into her ear. She looked up at me and held onto my arm. "Shut up you love me." She giggled to me. I smiled softly at her and whispered to her. "Don't forget that."

I loved that photo of us mainly cause we did look so in love. I know I shouldn't but I wanted to be the old me. The crazy, bad boy, she calls me daddy to, type of person. But then again if I did turn into that person, what if I took it to far and turned into the monster I was before? Being this good kid the I'll have her home by eight, does their homework in class, always has respect for everyone kid is what Veronica needed and it was safer for me to be like that. I wanted to be what Veronica loved but I also needed to be what I loved.

I went over to my closet and opened it up. There I saw my trench coat and something I was in the pocket. I opened it up and saw a gun inside of it. I slowly took the gun and smiled to myself. Yes. Having this gun in my hand made everything better. It gave me a sense of power I had long forgotten, I both loved and hated the feeling it was giving me. I clutched the gun tighter and then I knew what I had to do. I put on my trench coat and put the gun back in the pocket. "Bye dad." I said as I raced for the door. But unfortunately he had other plans. "JD where are you going?" He asked me as he turned off the TV. Damn it why did he have to care for me now? "Veronica's house." I told him bluntly as I put my hand on the doorknob. "Just. Be safe." He sighed awkwardly. Great pep talk dad. "Okay will do bye. " I said as I practically ran out the door and got onto my bike. Hopefully Veronica wasn't still pissed at me.

A/N. Heyo. I hope this wasn't to bad. Also I kinda wanna go smut in the next chapter but I'm a sad person who doesn't know how sex work. Like I know the basic just not how it works. If that makes sense. Any who let me know what you think. And PS I'm not gonna update till someone and they know who they are dose. Okay well have a good day / Night

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