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" What's with JD?" I asked her once again this time with more force in my voice. "Your friend Mr Dean. He has survived the surgery but unfortunately he has slipped into a coma. There's no telling when or if he will wake up." The doctor explained as he pat an emotional Veronica on the back. "I'll take it from here thank doc." I told him. He then got up and left, I then took his seat and held Veronica. "Come on Ronnie. It's gonna be okay. JD's a fighter." I told her as she began to cry even more. I hated seeing Veronica in pain, she didn't deserve it. If anything I did. I couldn't stand to sit here and pretend to be a good friend when in all reality I was a disgusting low life bitch. A Heather.

"What happened to you?" She sniffled as she looked at my bloody bandages. "Oh our little friend Charlie visited me. If you think I'm bad you should see her." I somewhat laughed. God I was turning into JD. "What happened to her?" She said, getting a little bit excited. God she was turning into JD. Well it was Charlie so it wasn't to bad that we were happy she got hurt. "I shot her in the chest." I told Veronica. Her eyes widen and she covered her mouth in shock. "Shit Heather." She sighed. Wait, was she sad that I shot her?  "It's okay the police ruled it as self defence so if she dose die I won't go to jail." I tried to comfort her. She rested her head on my shoulder and then lightly smiled. "Good. I can't lose you to.  I'm glad you're my best friend Heather. I'm glad someone is still honest with me." She sighed once more as she grabbed my hand. Oh shit.

Veronica then started telling me about all the good times she and JD had.  First date, first kiss, first time together and all this really cute and adorable stuff.  All of this only made me think of things that JD and I did and the first time we were sorts together.

"Heather." The teacher called out. I looked up from my book and then saw her standing at the front of the room with a tall boy next to her. "Heather you're on top of everything in this class
would you mind showing Jason around the school?" She asked me. I nodded my head and packed up my books. "Feel free to take the whole period off to show some Westerberg spirit!" She faked cheer. All the teachers now was trying to show school spirit for some reason. We then exited the class room and walked around the hallways. "So where you from?" I asked him as we walked past the school's trophy cases. There was something about this boy. He was mysterious and dangerous. It kinda turned me on and that kinda scared me. "The last town I came from was Boston. Great place." He said as he looked around at the motivational posters hanging up. "Hey you wanna ditch class? Come back to my place?  Have a few? " I asked out of no where. What was I doing? He then smiled at me and nodded his head. We shortly arrived at my house, luckily it was only a five minute walk. "Great house. What dose daddy do for a living?" He asked as he entered my home. "Sells engagement rings." I told him as I shut the door behind us. This was a bad choice I was making. "Beers in the fridge." I told him as he entered the kitchen. That didn't help my choices. After a few, and by that I mean a lot, we were piss drunk. "You know you're kinda cute."  I slurred to him. God was I drunk. This was a very extremely bad idea but then again who was it gonna hurt? "You aren't so bad yourself." He smirked to me. And with that I got up and basically threw myself on him. We started to make out passionately and that's when I felt him being to get hard. God I loved it when you could feel them get turned on. And with that I broke our kisses and got down on my knees.

"Heather." Veronica called out my name which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I asked her as I looked into her tear filled eyes. God I was such an idiot. "Did you ever hang out with JD?" She asked me as she readjusted her head onto shoulder.  It was hard for her as I was so much taller than her so I slouched down a bit for her. I wish I could say that was the last time I saw him. I wish I could say that even if I saw him again it was before they started dating. Yes I Heather McNamara was having an affair with Jason Dean. Well he was having an affair with me. I don't know the proper phrasing.

"Jason what are you doing here? " I asked him. It was 7pm on a Friday evening and Jason Dean, the mysterious bad boy who I had skipped class four times for just to hook up with him since he came here, was at my front door step. "I can't stop thinking about you for some reason." He answered me as he let himself in. "Aren't you having a thing with Veronica? She really likes you." I asked him. Veronica wouldn't stop talking about him all afternoon she was hopelessly in love with him. "Yeah. I like her as well but you're just." He sighed as he sat down on the couch in the living room. Wow he liked Veronica. For some reason this didn't even make me jealous or mad. I was actually happy he liked her. "JD if this happens, it's gotta be the last time. Okay? You gotta promise me." I told him as I joined him on the couch.
He gave me on of his famous devilish smirks and than pushed me down on the couch.

"Heather." She said again. God I need to tell her. I can't live with this guilt any longer. "We hooked up. Seven times." I blurted out. Oh God I didn't mean to tell her that right now. "What?" She asked me, removing her head from my shoulder and looking at me, her eyes filled with shock. "I'm so sorry." I said covering my mouth. I can't believe I fucking said that. Her boyfriend just got shot and then fell into a coma and now I'm telling her I fucked her boyfriend. God I deserved every bad thing in this universe. "Get out." She said quietly. Oh God she was crying. Oh shit. I'm a horrible person. "Veronica let me." I started but she then cut me off. "I said get out!" She screamed at me. I then got off the bed and walked over to the doorway. "Out!" She screamed once again as she threw a pillow at me. I left the room and shut the door behind me. "Yo. It's Heather isn't it?" A medium height girl said to me as she walked over to me with a tall boy. "Yes." I said trying not to cry. God I was a shit person. First I shoot a girl and then tell another one I screwed around with her boyfriend who was now in a coma. "You shot her didn't you? You shot Charlie?" She asked me quietly. I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head.

"She just died. She didn't make it." The girl started crying. Great. I just killed a person. Now I had blood on my hands for the rest of my life. "We're not mad at you. What she did to Veronica and JD. She nearly killed both of them. So in some sick way we should be thanking you." The tall boy told me as he put an arm around the girl next to him. "I'm sorry for your loss. So did Charlie, did she shoot JD?" I asked them.

"I can only assume so. I think it was an accident. They got into a fight and then suddenly a loud gunshot went off. He fucked her up pretty bad. He gave her a black eye and a broken rib. And then once he got shot we ganged up on Charlie and hurt her pretty badly." He explained to me. So it was an accident she shot him? Well I know that shouldn't bother me as it wasn't my fight and I had no control over it but I still felt bad. "We gotta go. I guess we'll see you around." The boy told me before walking off. I know I just got stabbed less than three hours ago but I couldn't stand to be in the hospital any longer. I let out a frustrated sigh and then left this place and headed straight home.

A/N. Drama! So JD is well basically dead. Veronica is pissed. Heather is sad and Charlie is dead *que all of your cheering* well hope this wasn't to bad. Also I don't know if I want a happy ending or not :/ let me know what you think of this chapter and or the whole story! Also let me know what you think should happen.

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