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*three hours into your peacful nap*

"Y/N!" Rosie shouts as she bursts into your room, causing you to sit up suddenly.

"OUR NEIGHBOURS INVITED US TO STAY WITH THEM IN THEIR APPARTMENT TILL WE GET OUR STUFF COME ON!" she shouts grabbing your wrist pulling you out the bedroom door down the hallway.

"But....what if they dont like me and they are strangers to me" you whale in complaint worring about what "they" might think about you.

She proceeds to drag you into what is planned to be your lounge to your surprise you see two tall figures standing their looking out the window. One with dark brown hair and one with black hair. The one with black hair turns and smiles like he knows you. You cant help but think he looks famillier. Then it hits you. Only one man has those blue eyes. And thats phil lester. You smile and do an awkward wave. He waves back and nudges the other who was still looking out the window. He turns making eye contact with you as his cheeks flush a bright red. You feel your self smiling as rosie pokes you in the back causing you to squeel.

"Hi sorry" you say blushing

"Oh hey i know you" phil says laughing.

"Youre that one youtuber dan wont stop tal-Ow dan" phil say getting hit by dan.  Phil then has a look or realisation on his face as he whispers something to dan. Dan excuses himself as he leaves as rosie follows him. You look at phil. Theres always been something that made phil look too similar to you. But you could never guess.

"Um hi" you say as phil looks scared

"Hi can i tell you something" he asks looking on the verg of tears.

"Yeah whats wrong" i ask.

"Okay listen y/n im your brother.... and i know it sounds stupid but listen. When you where born i was 10 and mum and dad needed the space so i shared my room with you but when you were 8 i kinda got into a fight with my friend and you walked into the room and he hit you. You forgot what happend and a few years of memories were lost. It was my fault. I was the reason. I moved out. And asked mum and dad not to tell you i guess they never did but im surprised you found me and all...and now your famous and im so proud of you." He says in tears.

You stood there in shock. How come no one told you. You didnt know how to react. Instead you hugged phil. Tight. And didnt let him go. Crying into his chest hugging him tight.

"Im so sorry y/n im so so so sorry" he says over and over holding you tight.

Just the beginning (Dan Howell X Reader) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now