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Sorry it's late I've been busy dying.

Dans pov

I stare at y/n and the baby for a while as i try to absorb what just happened. I'm a dad. I smile and kiss y/ns forehead as I look at our little girl. We created that little being in y/ns  arms.

I stand up as I leave to get Phil. I exit the room as I see Phil pacing up and down the hall way. As he turns to come back he notices me and give me a look full of concern.

"Come meet your niece" I smile and he walks up to me and hugs me. We walk into the room as the baby is asleep on y/n.

"Oh by the way I called your family they should be here soon and Martin is on his way too" Phil says

////time skip////

Y/n pov

You lay in your bed as your older brother Martin holds Bella. Now you just have to wait for dans parents and you'll be done. With fatigue over you you slowly drift off into a sleep.

Hello? You know it's me. You'll loose this all very soon huh ain't it fun living in the real world. You'll be ruined soon enough
You'll never meet them
Your never good enou~

You jolt awake. What where those dreams. You look around Dan sleeping with Bella beside him in the cot. Phil and Martin probably went home. You hear a slight tap on the door. Awkwardly Mrs howell pokes her head in. You smile at her.

"Hey thanks for coming " you laugh

"Shes just there" you say pointing to the bed. Becky makes her way to the baby with Adrian and her husband following behind.

"Shes so tiny" Adrian says smiling.

"Well done love but by the look of Dan looks like he did the most" Mr howell jokes.

You smile thinking of how great this was. You'll be home soon...but then again it's  just the beginning .

Okay so I'm ending book one quite short. Yay this was the final chapter. New sequel in the running so should be up soon... follow me for that and message me any opinions or ideas for it. XXXX see you in the next book x.

Just the beginning (Dan Howell X Reader) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now