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Five months later.

Its nearly Bella's birthday. Im 7 months pregnant. Dan's tried.
Ive hidden. He puts up a video probablysonce a month to get me back. I miss him.

Laying on the bed reading comments from fans.

Are you okay?! We miss you. Dan needs you.

Y/n come back. We need you

One comment stood out.

Daniel howell:
Y/n im sorry please come back.

Why did i do this. Why am i like this. Your thoughts running wild. You hear loud footsteps quickly running up the stairs. Before you get up Emma slams open the door and looks at you.

"Y/n i love you but you need to go back. Both you and Dan are in bad places!" Emma shouts looking at you.

She's right. You need to go back. Dan does'nt know the baby's gender. He knows nothing. You need to go back. Your taking his family. You nod as tears leave your eyes. Getting up you grab your bag and walk over to Emma. Hugging her tight she whispers in your ear. "Youre doing the right thing" you pull away as she smiles watching you leave going down the stairs to the dooy. You open the door as you hear Emma call "Love you shit head". "bye bitch" you giggle shutting the door behind you. You soon enough hail a taxi to the station and get on the first train to London that you could.

----time skip brought to you by bear 😉----

The taxi ride back to the house was more anxious then anything. What will they say. How will Dan react. Will he be ma- The taxi comes to a stop. Looking out the window you see it. The house. You pay the driver as you leave the cab. Walking closer and closer to the door. Do i knock?? Do i go in? Fuck it im going in.

You reach the door opening it and stepping inside. All was dark as only one light shone through the door to the living room. You quietly shut the door. And decide to walk to the room. You listen as you hear voices.

"Im scared Phil. What if something happened" one voice. Martin. He didn't go home? "Its gonna be okay. Y/n strong. Right Dan" another voice, Phil. Silence came which was soon broken by phil again. "Dan you gotta stay positive come on" he says trying to encourage Dan.

"How Phil?! How can i be positive when my fiance. The only person apart from my daughter and family i care about is gone!" He snaps. You step into the door way where the light blinds you. "Well maybe if yo-" silence cut Phil off as he stared at you. You look to the floor as you hear movement. Seconds pass before a long pair of arms wrap around you as they rest their head on top of yours. "Thank you" they whisper. It was Dan. You drop your bag and tightly wrap your arms around his torso as you sob holding him tight. "Im sorry" you repeat. "Its okay, i shouldn't of said those things. Where did you go" he coos rubbing your back. "I stayed with Emma..." you choke. You look up "how's Bella?" You ask wiping your eyes. "She's asleep" Phil replies. You rush over and hug both Phil and Martin in a close one arm each hug. "Don't do that stupid shit again" Phil laughs. Both you and Dan gasp. "WHERES MY CAMERA" Dan yells. "Well Phillip grew up" you giggle.

Things were gonna be okay. Maybe you shouldn't of left. But now your back. And thats what matters.


Hi kay here we're so close to 1k its unbelieveable. Im surprised you guys read this. But thank you so much. Please vote for the wattys. And share the story to fellow phan girls. Love ya. Xx

Just the beginning (Dan Howell X Reader) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now