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I rolled over to the screaming sound of my alarm clock, I harshly slammed my hand on it as the screaming came to a stop. I groaned before I pulled myself out from under the warm blankets. I trudged into my older brother, Sam's, room.

"Sam, get up!" I said as I poked my head inside of his room. He was sprawled out across his bed without a care in the world. "Please, get up." I begged as he slowly started to roll over. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

"What time is it?" he asked as he propped himself up on his forearms.

"It's seven. It's the same time I always wake you up, hurry and shower." I demanded him. Sam was the older brother, but that doesn't mean he has responsibility. I am the responsible one out of the two of us.

He crawled out of bed, and trudged into the bathroom. Sam had already graduated, so he drives me to school of a morning and then goes into work. Sam is a good brother, he is my closest friend. Sam and my dad are very protective over me, they always have been.

I walked downstairs, the strong smell of coffee smacked me in the face. I seen my dad taking long sips from his coffee. He was looking through the newspaper. It felt like something out of a movie, the way my mornings were set up. "Good morning." My dad said as he pulled his lips away from his coffee mug. He barely pulled his eyes away from the article he was reading.

"Morning." I said as I poured me a mug of coffee. We weren't morning people around my house, we weren't talkative. We did what we needed to make the morning pass by quicker, and then after that we would talk.

I exited the kitchen as I heard the shower shut off, I completely bypassed the bathroom to get my things ready in my room. I walked into my closet as I sipped on my coffee, my eyes scanned over all the clothes. "hey loser." I heard a harsh whisper of a familiar voice fill my bedroom. I pulled myself out of my closet to see Kian crawling in my window. He was trying his best to be quiet, but that's when he fell.

"OW!" He said as he fell into the floor. "Holy Sh-" He started to cuss, but I quickly cut him off.

"Sugar!" I yelled over him. We both laughed, but that quickly ended when I heard my brother start walking towards my room.

"Are you okay?" He asked through the door. I pushed Kian into my closet in efforts to hide him. "That was a really loud thud, sis." He continued talking through the door.

"I tripped over my shoe, no big deal. I knocked a few things over, that's all." I said as I slowly cracked the door. He chuckled at me, as I shot him a soft smile. "Ill be more careful, Sam." He smiled and nodded to me as he walked into his room.

I shut my door softly before rushing to my closet. I seen Kian holding clothes in his hands. "I think you should wear this." He said in a girl tone. "It makes your eyes pop." He held the girly tone as he popped the "p." I laughed at him as I took the clothes from his hands.

"I told you not to sneak over. You will get caught one of these days." I said as I held him in my arms. He kissed the top of my head. "My dad and my brother will kill us both if we get caught sneaking around." he shrugged as he shot me the biggest smile.

"We have been sneaking around for a year now Zoe, I doubt they will catch us now." he pressed his lips against mine. I pushed him away from me because I knew that I would get distracted.

"I have got to get ready." I said as Kian frowned. He puckered his lips out for another kiss, but I pushed his lips away from me. "I'm gonna be late." I said he kept trying to kiss me. "I have seriously gotta get dressed, so please turn around." he sighed and turned his back to me.

I began pulling the clothes off my body as I made sure Kian didn't look at me, I was still insecure around him. "God." Kian said in a low manner, his eyes gazed over my body. He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth.

"I told you not to look." I said as I pulled the jeans up my legs. "You know that I don't like you watching me." He pulled my hips to his.

"Baby girl, I think that you are perfect in every single way possible. I will always wanna look at you, no matter what you are doing or what you're wearing. I could care less how you think you look because I can guarantee you that you will always look amazing in my eyes." I looked down at my feet, as the words poured from his lips. I pulled myself onto my tippy toes as I gently pressed my lips against his lips. "I've gotta get out of here. Ill see you at school." I nodded to him as he pulled himself away from me.

"Kian?" I said before he started to crawl out of the window. He brought his eyes to meet mine. "I love you." He smiled instantly.

"I love you." He said before he crawled out of the window. I watched him run across the yard quickly, he kept looking back at the house making sure that my dad or my brother wasn't around.


I sat outside under the warm sky as the kids around me laughed or talked amongst the group of kids they usually fit into. I quietly read my book under the bleachers. Gym wasn't my favorite class, it was my favorite class to read in that's about it. Everyday I would hide under the bleachers, and read my book.

"Hey baby girl." I heard Kian say as he sank down beside me. He laid his head against my shoulder as he watched me read. "Which book is this?" he said. I showed him the cover without taking my eye off the page. "Girl in pieces." He read the title out loud. "Is it good?" I nodded.

"I finished it." I said as I dramatically closed my book. He chuckled at me as he wrapped his arms around me. "That is the third book this week." I said as I laid my head against his shoulder. He pressed his lips against my forehead.

"You are my book worm." He said as he wrapped his arms around his legs as he pulled them to his chest.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I pulled my eyes to his. They were sad and I don't like that.

"I'm okay baby girl, just sleepy." He gently closed his eyes before he softly smiled. I knew he wasn't okay, but I also knew that he didn't wanna talk about it. I patted my lap for him to lay his head down, he quickly accepted the offer. "I'm gonna take a nap." He said before he closed his eyes.

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