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I couldnt keep sneaking around like it didnt bother me. I hated the fact that i couldnt call her mine, or hang out with her outside of school. I never got to see her, and it was pointless. The relationship wasnt going anywhere. We only seen each other inside of the school walls, and if wanted to see her outside of school i had to be quiet. I couldnt tell the whole world she was mine like i wanted to. I wanted to hold her hand all the time, and tell her how much i love her constantly. I couldnt do that because she was so scared that someone would find out. I love that girl with everything inside of me and i didnt wanna hide it anymore.

"Honey, whats wrong with you?" My mom asked as she sank down beside me on the couch. I shrugged as i remained silent. I didnt wanna talk about it because it all hurt. Kids like me dont cry, especially over a girl. "Is it Zoe?" I nodded as i felt a sharp pain shoot into my heart. "Do you wanna talk about it?" i shook my head as my eyes slowly fell to the floor. My mother wrapped her arms tightly around my body. "Its okay to cry. Boys are allowed to cry." She whispered to me before she pulled herself away. We softly smiled at each other before she left me alone.

"I need to see her." I mumbled as i pulled myself off the couch. "Do you think that she will be awake?"I asked my mother as i stared at the clock on the wall. It was five in the morning, she should be getting up soon.

"She might be. I am shocked that you are awake. " My mom was geting ready for work, she was usually gone when we all woke up. "You didnt even go to sleep, did you?" I shook my head with a cheesy grin across my lips. "You cant keep sleeping during school then staying up all night. You need to fix your sleep schedule. It is abnormal for a teenage boy. " She kissed my cheek before she pushed pass me. "Do you need a ride to her house?" I followed behind her to her car. My mom was possibly the best, all she wnated was for her kids to have the world. She worked her butt off the give us all our own little worlds, we were all spoiled.


"Can you at least talk to me?" I asked her as she continued running around the room. She was trying to avoid talking to me, but i had already snuck into her room. "I am not kidding, talk to me." She kept keeping her self busy. "I dont want to lose you Zoe, that is the last thing i wanna do. I just want to try things out with your dad, that's all." She didnt answer me again. "Whatever." I groaned as i started back out the window.

I walked around the front door. I knew her dad hung out in either the kitchen or the living room, so it was worth a shot. I knocked on the door as my stomach started to turn in knots. I knew that Zoe would kill me for what i was doing, but i wanted to be with her. Her dad opened the door with a confused look on his face. "Good morning sir." I said with a bright smile across my lips. "Is Zoe here?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Why do you need Zoe?" he asked as he fixed his posture.

"I am here to walk her to school." His mouth dropped, but he quickly picked it back up.

"Step inside." He moved out of my way as i stepped inside. It was weird for me to enter in through the front door. "Take a seat on the couch." He said as he nodded toward the livign room. I quickly obeyed his orders. "How old are you?" He asked me instantly, completely bypassing my name.

"Im 16, i am a junior in high school. " his eyes grew wide. I lied about my age, but I knew he would kill me if he knew my real age.

"Dad, who was at the do-" I heard Zoe's voice fill the house as she trotted down the steps. "Kian?" She said as her jaw dropped to the floor. "What are you doing here?" She was mad, and she wasnt very good at hiding it.

"I am meeting your dad." i smiled at her. "That is the proper way to do things, isnt it?" She was so mad at me that her face was almost bright red.

"Anyways," Her dad said as he pulled my attention back to him, "What kind of grades do you make?" He asked me.

"If i am being honest with you, mostly Cs." He shook his head, trying not to make it noticable. "I usually skip on presentation day. My anxiety doesnt allow me to handle that kind of pressure." He nodded in understandment. "Sir, i know my grades arent the best and i know that i am a little bit older than your daughter, but my intentions are good. I only want the best for your daughter as im sure you do. I am not what i look like, sir. I am responsible in most aspects of my life. I help support my family in every single way possible. I am asking you to let me see your daughter." He pulled himself off the couch with a stern look plastered on to his face.

"You seem like a good kid, and i like that you wanted to meet me first." Considering it's been a year, I wouldn't say that sir. He shook my hand. "Both of you, have a good day." He smiled at the both of us before walking us to the door.

We waved goodbye to him as we began walking towards the school. "That wasn't so bad." I said as i wrapped my arm around her neck. She laughed slightly.

"Did you think that was it?" She looked at me with a serious face. "He is gonna do a back ground check, and you still havent met my brother." She laughed a little but with how shocked i was.

"I am so totally screwed." I mumbled as my face fell.

Caught // K.L.Where stories live. Discover now