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I was sneaking into my window, trying to be quiet. I looked at the clock on my nightstand as I entered into the room, 5:45. I was so exhausted, but I had no time to sleep. Kian and I had got so distracted with talking an laughing that we didn't realize what time is was. We kept each other entertained for a solid five hours, it was crazy. I couldn't help but replay all of our conversations in my head as I felt a smile pull to my lips.

I walked down into the kitchen to make coffee, I was praying that nobody would hear me. I sat on the counter as I listened to the coffee brew, the smell started to slowly fill the kitchen. "What are you doing awake?" Sam said as he pulled himself into the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes in efforts to remove the sleepiness, but he was failing.

"I couldn't sleep, so I got up a little bit earlier." He nodded as he opened the fridge. "What are you doing up?" I asked him as I poured us both a mug of coffee.

"I could smell the coffee, and I got super excited." He said sarcastically as he grabbed the mug from my hand. "I couldn't sleep much either, so I am going to watch some TV and pray that I can go back to bed." he chuckled before he left the kitchen.

I took my coffee back up to my room as I walked into my closet. I started to look for the perfect outfit for school. I made a mess in my closet in efforts to find the best outfit. "Get up kiddo." My dad said as he walked into my room. "Oh, never mind." He laughed as he pulled himself into my room. "Are you still mad at me?" He asked as I remained silent. I hadn't talked to him in two days, and I had no desire to make conversation with him. I had barely talked to Sam, I was still upset with both of them. "I guess I will leave you alone." I nodded at him as he walked back out of my room.

I walked into my bathroom as I dropped my clothes. I threw them into the hamper as I turned the water on. I waited for the water to warm up before I got in, I kept my hand under it as I waited. "Hurry." I said as my body felt exposed. I hated being naked, I felt so vulnerable. I pulled myself under the water quickly, I stood their letting the water run over my bare body. I kept my eyes from looking at myself, I didn't like the way I looked so I tried to avoid looking. I quickly washed my body and my hair, I hurried so my family would have enough warm water to shower. I wrapped as fuzzy, white towel around my body as I walked back into my bedroom. I checked my phone which rested on the night stand, I had missed messages from Kian.

Hey baby! I will be late getting to school because I have a doctors appointment, but I will be there during third. I love you too much.

I will save you a seat in third baby. I love you to the moon and back.

I laid my phone back on the nightstand as I began to get ready. I hated that Kian wasn't going to be at school for a little bit, I hated being by myself. I didn't want to be by myself after what I did yesterday, I had never snapped like that before. I pulled my clothes over my body before walking into Sam's room. He was still watching TV, so I guess his prayers of sleeping weren't answered. "I need a ride to school this morning, can you take me?" He nodded as he slowly pulled himself out of the bed.

"I will be ready in 15 minutes, then we will go." He said with such a tired tone. He yawned before rubbing his eyes again. "Is there anymore coffee because I am dying here?" He said as he started looking through his closet.

"I will go put you some in your to-go mug." He nodded as he started to dress himself. He looked so drained.


I was struggling to keep my eyes open, I was so exhausted. I heard the classroom door as I perked up, Kian was here. He handed the teacher his excuse before walking back to the desk beside of mine. He looked so tired. "How did it go?" I asked as he laid his head down on the desk.

"I have depression, that's official." He whispered as he barely pulled his head off the desk. "I have to take anti-depressants for a while. The main side effect of the medicine is Suicidal Thoughts, so I don't think this medicine will help. It is a waste of my moms money, its stupid." He rolled his eyes before laying his head back down. I played with his hair as he closed his eyes.

"I love you." I whispered before the bell rang. He groaned before pulling his head off the desk.

"I honestly just want to sleep, I am so tired." He groaned as he wrapped his arm around my neck.

"You can go home Kian, I can make it a day by myself." He shook his head. "I promise that I will be okay. You need to go home and rest." He shook his head again.

"School is really the only time I get to see you, and I am not about to give that up." We approached the door of my next class. I had both of my elective classes with Kian, but none of my main classes. "I will see you at lunch." He said as he kissed the top of my head. Thank God we did have lunch together, and the few minutes in between classes. It was hard dating a senior, but he is my baby.

I watched him walk towards his fourth period with his eyes following his feet. That's when my heart sank, I seen that girl start to follow him. He wasn't giving her any attention, but I didn't trust her around him. He looked back and seen her, then his eyes found mine. "Don't." I mouthed as he turned around. He walked back to me, and instantly hugged me.

"Does your dad know about him, Zoe?" The girl asked me as she adjusted her weight onto her back leg. "I don't think he would approve of him, so why hog him when you aren't supposed to have him?" I felt my blood start to boil with anger.

"He is mine." I said as I pulled him closer to me. "I don't think he would date someone who looks like a squirrel with poufy hair. You literally look like you stuck a fork in a light socket and that's how you decided to wear your hair everyday. " Kian kind of chuckled, but he quickly tried to hide it with a cough. "You better get back to the forest." She rolled her eyes before she walked away.

"That was impressive." Kian laughed before he kissed my cheek.

Caught // K.L.Where stories live. Discover now