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I threw my things down on my desk as soon as i entered my room. I fell face first onto my bed. I had a long day full of drama. My head was hurting so bad that all i wanted was to sleep until all the pain went away. "Let me see your phone." My dad said as he walked into my room. "Now!" He snapped considering that i hadn't moved in the .5 seconds he had given me.

"It's dead." I lied as i pulled my head out of the mattress. "Why do you need my phone?" I asked as i rolled over to face him. He looked angry and that worried me.

"I got a phone call today from a girl that goes to your school," He took a deep breath in as if he was trying to keep down his anger, "She informed me that you were still talking to that Kian boy. Is that true?" I shook my head, no. "When your phone is charged, bring it to me." He growled before he left my room, he slammed the door on his way out.

"I'm gonna kill her, that's final." I growled under my breath as i felt my blood start to boil from all the anger inside of me.

That girl told my dad. He is asking for my phone, so don't text me anymore for the night. I might see you tomorrow if i am lucky enough, I love you.

I love you .

I deleted the messages and then i started scanning over the rest of my phone. I wanted to make sure that there wasn't any evidence that we were still together. I looked at the pictures on my camera roll, and i slowly started to delete them. I knew they would hide inside my recently deleted, but i didn't like deleting them. "Is it charged?" He yelled from downstairs. "You have three minutes, then i want it in my hand." He yelled again and i could hear the anger hiding inside his voice.

"It's on 10%. " I said as i looked at my phone percentage. "I will bring it down there when it gets to 25%." I yelled back to him. My phone was on 30%, so it shouldn't take too long to drop down to 25.

"I want it now." He yelled as he started back up the stairs. I quickly plugged my phone up and sank down onto my bed. I put my hands in between my legs as i tried to hide the fact that i was shaking. "Where is it?" He said as he barged into my room. He walked over to my bedside table, he was cautious of the cord. He unlocked my phone as i watched his eyes roll across the screen multiple times. He looked calm now, he didn't seem angry. "You haven't been talking to him, have you?" He asked as he pulled his eyes off the screen. I shook my head as i watched a small smile pull to his lips. "Here's your phone." He said with a calm tone, he laid the phone back on the table.


I walked into the school as my eyes scanned the hallways for that girl. I didn't see her yet, but i couldn't wait to get my hands on her. What she did was low and uncalled for. She wanted Kian, and I can guarantee her that she will never have him.

I'm here, where are you?

 Kian (2)
I'm walking to your locker. I will see you in a minute.
That girl is following me. She is walking right on top of me.

Good, I need to talk to her anyways.

I was almost running to my locker. I threw my things into my locker quickly. "Don't hurt her." Kian said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "She was trying to get to us, and she failed." He tried to calm me down, but i don't think it was going to work this time. "You cant fight her, then your dad will literally kill you." He said before i pushed his arms off of me.

"Good morning." I snapped at her as soon as i pulled myself away from Kian. "Your plan failed, just to say. You aren't pulling Kian and I apart, I'm sorry. You can get over yourself, he is mine." I yelled at her as her eyes grew big. "I don't know what i need to do to get that through your head, but i will do whatever it takes." I said as Kian tried to grab my hand, but i jerked my hand away from him.

"It's sad honestly." She said, but i was confused. "You think that he loves you, you think he wants you. You are insane." She laughed. I didn't think before my anger took over. I lunged on top of her instantly taking her to the ground. I sat on her stomach as i kept throwing my fists into her face. She kept trying to push me off her, and she was trying to grab my wrists to stop the punches. "Get the hell off me." She screamed before i grabbed her head and slammed into the floor. She winced her eyes in pain as she howled out in pain.

"That's enough." Kian interfered. He pulled me off her as he restrained my hands to my side. "You have done enough Zoe, you proved your point." He said as he drug me through the crowd of people. He took me outside and pressed me up against the wall. "Are you crazy or something?" He asked me with a frantic voice. "I have never seen you like that, your eyes went black." He said as he pulled me into his embrace. "You have got to know when to stop, you could've really hurt her or vice versa. What if a teacher finds out? You are the definition of screwed if your dad finds out." i shrugged

"I don't care." I said blankly. "I am getting tired of people trying to ruin us. My family and that girl are out to get us, and i cant lose you. You can hate me or whatever, but i am fighting for us Kian. I will always fight for us because you are my best friend. You were my first love, and I cant replace you. You are my happiness, i don't know how else to show you that. I have done everything to show you that I want to be with you, and if you don't feel that way anymore then I'm sorry." i felt the anger start to fade as the sadness start to sneak in.

"I never said i didn't feel the same way. "He said as he played with my hair. "All i said is that you need to be careful. Your dad will defiantly find out if you cant keep all that anger concealed." He said with a worried look smacked across his face. "I am looking out for you, I am looking out for us." He said with a small smile pressed against his lips.  i pressed my lips against his. "On another note, you kicked her butt." He held his hand up for a high five. We both laughed as our hands smacked together, then our fingers intertwined.

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