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I woke up to a quiet house, which for once made me smile. I loved quiet sometimes, and sometimes i feared it. I rolled over and checked my phone, like usual.

Dad and I went out for a little bit. We had things to do, and we forgot to leave a note so don't freak out when you wake up. Have a good day!!
Good morning. I'm coming over in a little bit, so have the window unlocked.
I can come over, right? I will be quiet, I promise.

Me :
They aren't home, so hurry up.

I smiled as i laid my phone back on the bedside table. I didn't want to move from this bed, i was comfortable inside the warmth. "Good morning baby girl!!" I heard Kian's voice fill the room as my smile grew brighter. I felt the bed dip down as he crawled in beside me, he held me close to his warm body. "How did you sleep?" He asked as i rolled over to face him.

"Pretty good actually." I kissed his chin before i buried my head inside his chest. "How did you sleep, huh?" I asked as i barely removed my head from his chest.

"I didn't sleep actually." He said as he yawned. "I need to sleep, but I'm gonna go make some coffee, is that okay?" He asked as he slowly started to pull his body away from mine. I nodded as i followed closely behind him.

"Instead of making coffee, lets go get some coffee. " He raised his eyebrow at me. "We could get breakfast, then drive around." He look shocked that I was being such a rebel. In this moment I didn't care who seen me with Kian as long as he was by my side I would be okay.

"Are you not afraid of your dad finding out?" I shook my head and shrugged. "Get ready then." He said as i ran back upstairs to get myself. "I will be back in ten minutes, I'm gonna go get my car." He said as i heard the front door open then close.

"We are so gonna get caught." I said as i walked into my closet.


We were driving around town without a care in the world. We were singing, laughing, and dancing around in our seats. I had never smiled so much except for when he was by my side. I think i can truly say that he is my happiness. I had my hand resting on his back of his head as i played with his hair, he kept his hand resting on my thigh. "Pick a song." He said as my eyes fell to the phone. I didn't even realize that the car had fallen silent because he had me distracted with his beauty.

I don't think I love you no more
You never seem to call me lately
Girl, I don't think you know me at all'
Cause I never thought I'd have to say this
No I don't love you, and I never did
Look at us burning down in flames for kicks but just know
I'm not singing for your XO
I'm just singing 'cause it's over

(XO - Eden)

He hummed along with the song as he tapped along to the beat on the steering wheel. His eyes never left the road as i couldn't take my eyes off him. I loved the way his face naturally held a smile. I loved the way that the sun always made his brown eyes glow. I loved everything about him. "You have a tendency to stare." He laughed slightly as he barely took his eyes off the road. "Am i that ugly?" He asked as he searched for my hand. I grabbed his hand inside of mine.

"You are anything but ugly." He shook his head. "You are beautiful. The way you smile. The way you laugh. The way you move. In everyway you do everything, you are beautiful. " He brought my hand to his lips. "I think if perfection was obtainable by humans, then you would be perfect." He smiled brightly and I instantly got lost. He kissed my hand again. I dropped my eyes to stare at our hands with a faint smile plastered on my lips. I ran my fingers across his skin tracing every single knuckle, cut, or scar.

"Is that your dad?" He asked as my head jerked up. I could feel my heart racing inside my chest as if it was trying to escape. My dad and brother were too deep into a conversation to notice me, but i still dropped my head. "Do you think they saw you?" He asked as he adjusted his posture.

"God, i hope not." I said in frantic breath. "Do you think they did?" He shook his head no, but his eyes never left the direction of their car. "Now would be a great time for that light to turn green." I said as i slowly raised my head from my lap. I kept my head low in effort to hide.

That Kian boy has already moved on, he is with another girl right now lol.


"So they seen us." I said to Kian as i hid my face. The light turned green and he calmly sped away. "Sam texting me saying how you moved on already." Kian and I kind of laughed as i showed him my phone.

"I think if i actually were to leave you or you were to leave me, it would take me a lot longer than a week to move on." He said as he slightly ran his eyes over my body. "We have two years of memories, and i wouldn't be able to just throw those away." He frowned as he quickly pulled his eyes back to the road.

"I don't think i could ever move on from you." I said as i grabbed his hand tightly inside of mine. We both smiled. I laid my head on his shoulder as i felt peace drown my body.

Caught // K.L.Where stories live. Discover now