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I was waiting for that knock on my window, but i was starting to think that he wasnt coming. I kept watching the minutes tick by on the clock. I finally gave up after ten minutes, i rolled over to face the other wall. I felt my phone start to buzz against the mattress which made an incredibly annoying sound.

From Kian:
I cant come tonight. My brothers started fighting, and its getting bad. I don't want to leave my mom here by herself without my sisters. I'm sorry.
(Read 12:38 am)

I laid my phone back down in anger. I knew that Kian had family issues, but he was getting to where he always blew me off. I would wait up for him and then he would never show, some times it hurts my feelings.

 Kian (2)
Don't be like this, please.
Zoe, i would come if i could.

(Read 12:42 am)

 Me to Reo:
Are you and Cole fighting again?

I'm not even home, why?

That was Kian's excuse for not coming to stay with me.
(Read 12:45 am)

I slung my phone into the floor in anger. I felt my blood start to boil under my skin and it was an instant heat. I laid there and watched my ceiling fan turn in circles, i was hoping that would minimize my anger but it didn't seem to be working. I rolled onto my side as i watched the moon outside be a flashlight to the lonely. "Are you okay?" Sam asked as he peaked his head inside my room. "I heard a weird noise come from in here." I nodded as i pulled all my attention away from him. I looked back at the moon for comfort. "Get some rest. We have to go somewhere in the morning." I sighed as i rolled my eyes. "Dad never lets us hang out with him, so be grateful when he does." He scolded me before he left my room.

"I could careless how grateful i need to be." I mumbled in anger. "I don't want to spend my time with either of you." I said as i rolled onto my back. "I honestly need to quit being so mean." I scolded my self with a small amount of laughter escaping my lips.


I woke up to dad yelling for me and Sam to wake up. I groaned as my eyes fell to my alarm clock, 7:45. I slowly pulled my self out from under my blankets, it was cold. "Hurry." He yelled as he started up the steps. "We have to be there before ten. It is an hour drive without traffic, please hurry." He said as he knocked on Sam's door.

I slid my clothes over my body quickly, i looked in my full body mirror. "Good." I said as i smiled at my outfit.

I walked into the bathroom as i did everything that needed to be done in there. I walked into the hallway at the same time that Sam did. We looked at each other as our eyes fell over the others outfit. "Looking good." We said to each other at the same time before we chuckled.

"Are you ready?" Dad asked as he appeared at the bottom of the stairs. We both nodded as we started down the stairs.

"Shot gun." Sam yelled as he ran out to the car, i rolled my eyes as i crawled into the back seat. I pulled my head phones out of my bag as i pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I didn't check it this morning, i was still mad. I scrolled through all the messages.

 Kian (5)
I lied, and I'm sorry. I just don't wanna get caught.
I'm sorry.
Please don't go to bed mad Zoe, answer me.

Don't shut him out for lying, that's dumb.

Cole (2)
He's freaking out about you.
Text him back.

 Kian (3)
Maybe you went to sleep, idk.
I'm sorry that you went to bed upset.
Love you.

I frowned at Kian's last message, he never just said 'love you' unless he was upset. I know i shouldn't have ignored him, but i was upset. I didn't want to fight and argue, so i avoided the problem all together. The fact that he lied to me honestly hurt, he could've told me the truth and i would've been okay. I let the music set in as my eyes watched the world out side pass me by. I wanted to rest. I wanted everything to be okay when i woke up.

She told me that I'm not enough, yeah
And she left me with a broken heart, yeah
She fooled me twice and it's all my fault, yeah

She cut too deep, now she left me scarred, yeah
Now there's too many thoughts goin' through my brain, yeah
And now I'm takin' these shots like it's novacane, yeah

(I fall apart - Post Malone)


"Hey." I heard Sam's voice fill the air as i started to wake up. "We are here." He said with a bright smile on his face. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes as i pulled myself up out of the seat. My eyes looked through all four windows, and i didn't instantly recognize where we were. "Do you remember this place?" He asked as his eyes started to look through the windows. "This is the racetrack that dad use to always bring us to." I kind of smiled we practically lived here on Saturdays.

"We haven't been here in ages." I said as i started to roll my headphones up. "This should be fun." I said as i hopped out of the car. I looked at my phone, 10:05 am. "I'll be right back. Save me a seat." He nodded to me as he walked on ahead of me.

I dialed Kian's number as i prayed he would answer, but i figured he wouldn't. "Hey Zoe!" He said as i half smiled.

"I love you." I said instantly. "I fell asleep, and i was angry. I was mad that you lied and i didn't want to fight with you so i just avoided the problem. I'm sorry, its my fault." I said as i watched my feet kick up dirt.

"I shouldn't have lied. I'm sorry, okay? I should've just told you the truth and avoided all of this. I am the one that should be sorry Zoe. I love you too much." it made me smile to hear those words even after me being angry. "I will for sure come over tomorrow after school, we will quietly hang out." We both chuckled at his comment.

"Sounds great!" I said as i started walking toward the bleachers. "I have got to go, my dad took us to the race track. I love you." i smiled as i seen Sam waving in my direction.

"Have fun." He said through a yawn, i laughed. "I love you." He laughed as the line ended.

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