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It had almost been an week without talking to Kian. He wasnt responding to my texts or answering my calls. His family wasnt any help either. They wouldn't tell me where he was or why he hadn't been to school in a while. They refused to tell me. My dad had me on total lock down. He moved my stuff down to the basement. There wasn't any window except the very small window that didn't open. The only door was the one that would lead into the kitchen. He drove me to school and picked me up. He had teachers watching me when i wasn't with him. He almost had me move to an all girls school just to keep me away from Kian. The only thing he doesn't do is check my phone, which is dumb on his behalf.

"Dinner's ready." He yelled down into the basement. I pulled my self from the dungeon, slowly but I made it. I grabbed my plate of pizza, and a Dr. Pepper from the fridge. I started back down to the basement. "Stay up here." My dad said as he looked down at the kitchen floor.

"I am going back to hell. The queen cant leave the castle for too long." Sam laughed before he took a bite of pizza. My dad shot us both an evil glare.

"Watch your language." He scolded me. "We don't cuss in this house." He corrected me.

"Oh Piss, my bad." Sam started laughing really loud and i couldn't help but smile.

"Stop Zoe!" My dad yelled at me as he gave me a stern look.

"I am not gonna stop. " I fought back. "I will cuss as much as i possibly want. Besides, hell is not a cuss word its a place. Get it right." I smarted off before i walked back to the basement. For once in my life i was proud of myself for being a smart mouth.

"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" My dad said as he started down the steps. He was angry, i could tell by the way he walking and the fact that he was stomping.

"You ruined my life, so i could care less how i talk to you." I said as i sat my food down on the desk.

"He was 17, that is too old for you." He kept brining up Kian's age. "He was a bad influence. He had awful grades and he had the perfect set up to be a criminal." I laughed.

"Kian? A criminal? You're dumb. " He raised his eyebrows at me. "Kian was possibly the sweetest person around. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Just because someone puts on a bad boy image, does not mean that they are actually a bad boy. He would've given me the world if he could've, but you couldn't see past his age or his grades. Kian is an amazing person that was willing to meet you before we did anything, now please tell me that is a bad boy. "He adjusted his posture. "You cant use his grades against him either because he has a valid reason. He even told you that reason. Since when did making a C become failing? Your son made C's in school and you were so proud of him. Do you remember what you said to Sam? 'Sam, you did your best and that's i want from you.' Kian did his best in school, and he honestly tried."

"Zoe-" He started to say something but i was too mad to let him talk to me.

"Get the hell out of my room!" I yelled at him. "I'm not kidding, leave." He nodded with a small frown forming on his lips. He slowly turned to leave, he left.


I laid in my bed as i longed for Kian. I wanted him here. I wanted him next to me. I wanted him to be closer. I wanted him back, but I knew i would never have him again. I looked at the clock that hung on the wall, 1:30 am, I couldn't sleep.

I miss you, please come back to me.
It's not the same without you here. I'm sorry Kian, please come back to me.
It's been a week, just let me know you're okay.

(Read 1:33 am)

I sighed as i felt the tears begin to fall down my face. I wasn't the same without him here, i wasn't happy. I wanted more than the pictures or the memories that constantly filled my brain. Everything was constantly falling apart without him by my side. He was my everything and now there is a hole in my heart.

Leave him alone.
Move on.

Reo didn't help, his messages didn't help anything. Reo was always blunt with me, and this time maybe he was right. Maybe i should just forget bout Kian, i need to move on. I don't think he is ever coming back, and if he does its not to me.

Its hard for me to throw away two amazing years with you, those were the best two years of my life. I wish I was like you, I wish I could throw it all away and leave. I wish I could forget you like you forgot me. I'm not you and I never will be. I am not strong enough to walk away from you. I am not strong enough to leave all our memories in the past. I can not deny that I miss you like crazy and I constantly crave you by my side. Maybe one day I can wake up and be over you. Maybe one day I can wake up and be like you. I want that day to be soon, so I can get rid of all these stupid memories. My problem is that when I said "I love you to the moon and back," I meant it..
(Read 1:57 am)

I wiped away the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. I locked my phone and laid it on the table beside my bed. I pulled the blanket over my head as I pulled my knees to my chest. "I am strong." I reminded my self as the tears kept falling. In this moment, I couldn't keep myself from falling apart. "You will be okay." I kept reassuring my self that. Right now it didn't feel like id ever be okay again, but hopefully one day soon I will be okay.

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