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It was late when Kian finally went home. I had never smiled so much, or even laughed so loud. That boy completed me, he was my missing puzzle piece. I stared into the ceiling fan as it spun in circles. "He seems like a good kid." Sam said as he crept into my bedroom. He sank down on the bed beside me. "Dad doesn't like him, Zoe." He said with a blank expression pressed against his face. "He did his crazy dad back ground check, and he isn't good for you." he turned his head to look at him.

"Are you serious?" I said as my heart sank inside my chest. It felt like my entire world was falling apart right in front of me and there was nothing i could do to stop it. "Is he gonna take him from me?" Sam stayed silent and that was enough answer for me. "He can't. I am so happy with him Sam. I want to tell the world he is mine at all hours of the day, and dad is taking that away from me. You can sit here and play 'good cop' but everyone knows that you are always gonna side with dad. You all can not stand the simple fact that I am beyond happy right now. You all are 'protecting me,' but that is so much bull." I snapped on him. I was so angry and sad that I had tears rolling down my cheeks, but my throat was burning from holding back all my anger.

"Zoe, you can not be dating a 18 year old boy." He scolded me. "That is too much of an age difference." I rolled my eyes.

"It's three years, holy crap!" I exclaimed with a sarcastic tone. "It is not like I am out dating a 30 year old man like half the girls my age. I am dating an 18 year old boy. He's actually not even 18, he will be in September. " He was growing angry with me because i wasn't giving up my freedom so easily this time. "I never do anything wrong! I make amazing grades, i don't go to parties, I don't drink or do drugs, I don't ask to hang out with friends. I come home, come to my room, and do nothing at all. " I heard my dad coming up the steps and i knew that he was gonna yell at me.

"Stop!" He yelled as he busted in my room. "You are not seeing him anymore and that's final." he yelled as a small amount of spit fell off his lips. "He is too old for you. He is troublemaker, and he does fit my criteria." He started lower his voice.

"But-" I started to defend myself but he wasn't going to allow that.

"But nothing. You are lucky i am still allowing you to go to the same school. " I rolled my eyes as i shifted my weight. "You are not to talk to him ever again,  and if i catch you with that boy i will have him arrested. Do you understand?" I nodded at him. I could feel my skin start to heat up from the amount of anger i was holding inside. I wanted to throw things at him, i wanted to scream and cry. I wanted him to know that i was hella pissed. "Go to bed." He snapped his head at my brother signaling that he needed to leave. "Listen-" he started

"I'm going for a walk." I said before i pushed passed him. He went to say something else but he caught himself, he knew i wasn't going to listen.

"Be back before 10." He said as he started to follow me down the steps. "I love you Zoe." He said before i slammed the front door. I closed my eyes as i left more tears fall down my cheeks.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, and i seen a picture of Kian staring back at me. I dialed his number as i started to wipe away my tears. "Hey baby." I said as soon as i heard the ringing stop.

"Why are you crying?" He instantly asked. I looked around me, but he was no where insight. "I hear you sniffling, so what's wrong?" I half smiled.

"They said i couldn't see you anymore Kian." I felt the tears start to pull back to my eyes. "My dad said if he caught me around you again he would send you to jail."

"Do you think i care?" He said as he chuckled. "I will not metal bars stop my love for you. We have snuck around before, so why wouldn't we now? We should be pros at this by now. He isn't gonna catch us, and i am not going to jail. I promise that everything is gonna be okay." His voice calmed me down.

"I don't wanna lose you." I mumbled as i tried to stop the tears.

"You wont baby." He hummed with a reassuring tone. "I am not going anywhere." i could hear his smile in his voice. "I love you, okay?" he said.

"I love you to the moon and back." I said back with a small smile starting to form against my lips.

"Where are you at?" I looked up at the sky as the moon illuminated the sky.

"I am walking to our spot, i need to clear my mind." I said as my eyes fell down my feet.

"I will meet you there in ten minutes." He said as he started to move around. "That is okay, right?" i hummed in response. "I will see you soon beautiful." He said before the line clicked. I slid my phone back into my pocket as a smile formed against my lips.


"I have got to go Kian." i said as i tried to pull body away from his, but he was irresistible. "I will see you tomorrow, i promise." he frowned at me as he pulled me in closer.

"I don't want you to go though." He said in his baby voice. "Please don't leave me." He said as he laid his head against my chest.

"Baby, i don't wanna go but i have to." I frowned as i pulled his head off my chest. I had his face cupped inside my small hands. "I will meet you at my locker at 8 tomorrow morning." He nodded, but lips never dropped that frown.  i pressed my lips against his.  He smiled at me which made my heart flutter just a little bit. I pulled myself away from him before he made it harder for me to leave. I jogged away from him.

Caught // K.L.Where stories live. Discover now