Chapter Eleven

44 14 17

September 22 2016 - Thursday



(Song: Alone Together by Daley ft. Marsha Ambrosius)

His hands were so eager, but I could tell he was hesitant. He was always hesitant, afraid of pushing me too far even if I was the one pushing him. But it was part of his nature. And I liked that part of him.

I straddled Leonard's lap, on the white couch in the living room, and held onto the back of his neck. His lips melted perfectly onto mine. His hands stroked my back and hung around on the waistband of my pants. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself against him, meshing my clothes with his until they became one fabric. I felt his hands travel under my shirt, and his fingers drew lines on my skin.

My knees seemed to seep into the couch, but I ignored it and focused on his touch. His touch that made sparks and adrenaline course through my body. I grazed the tip of my tongue along his bottom lip, and his fingers pressed on my back like they were trying to penetrate my skin. I pressed deeper into him and felt our hearts beating at the same tempo.

But everything was brought to a halt when my ears twitched from foreign sounds nearby. I quickly drifted off of Leonard's lap and patted myself down like I was criminal. Leonard must have heard the sound too because he was busy trying to wipe any of the evidence off of him.

I heard the front door open behind us and I turned to see my mother walk in. She went straight for the kitchen while putting her keys in her purse. When she passed me and Leonard on the couch she smiled.

"Hey, honey," she said to me right before walking, through the arch, into the kitchen.

"Hi, mom. How was work?" I had to raise my voice a little to be sure she'd hear me.

"Fine!" I patted Leonard on the knee before getting up and heading towards the kitchen. I stopped next to the island and watched as my mom poured herself a glass of water. "What are you two up to?" she asked before taking a long drink of her water.

"Nothing." I shrugged my shoulders and tried to keep my face neutral even though my heart was still beating against my ribs. Leonard walked up behind me, and my mother brought the glass away from her mouth, grinning.

"You missed a spot," she said eyeing Leonard, but pointing to her own mouth. I turned back to look at him and saw a smudge of ruby lipstick below his mouth. He quickly tried to wipe it off, but he was wiping in the wrong spot. I licked my thumb and reached up to wipe the mark off. Leonard smiled shyly and looked down at the ground. "What's new in your life, Leonard?" my mom asked still grinning.

"Not much," he said bashfully. I smiled and took a step closer to him. Before I met Leonard, I never knew that I had a weakness for handsome men that were adorable when they were embarrassed. Or perhaps I simply just had a weakness for him in general.

"Parents got you thinking about college?"

"A bit."

"Did this one tell you about Japan?" she asked pointing at me.

"Yeah, she did."

"Maybe you can talk some sense into her."


"I just don't understand why you want to go to Japan. There are tons of adequate colleges in California."

"Yes, I looked at those."

"It just seems odd that you settle on a college in Japan to get a fashion degree."

"I haven't even fully decided yet." I grabbed Leonard's hand and started walking out of the kitchen. "We're going to be upstairs, okay?"

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