Chapter Eighteen

25 8 11

November 1 2016 - Tuesday



(Song: Strange And Beautiful by Aqualung)

Waiting to see Leah was like waiting for rain after a decade long drought. My foot quickly tapped against the floor, as I sat on the bus, on my way to school. I looked out the window and started to see clouds take over the sky. I was never one to keep track of the weather, so if it was about to rain, I wasn't prepared with an umbrella. I wasn't even sure if I owned one. The sky got darker and darker the closer I got to school. Right before I stepped off the bus, I put my hood on my head, just in case.

Things around the school were calmer as time passed, at least on the surface. There weren't any serious confrontations because everyone knew their place. High class to the left. Low class to the right. However, there were times when glances were exchanged and words were said. It wasn't a perfect system, but it kept situations at bay most of the time.

I was walking along the side of the parking lot, enduring the cold winds, when I saw the outline of the girl I loved in the corner of my eye. Leah was some ways away, but I could easily make out her figure. She was standing in the parking lot next to a gold colored car. If only I had been born into an affluent family, then I could've been able to stand next to her. Then she would've been proud to call herself my girlfriend.

She stood against the back of the car as if she was waiting for something. As if she was waiting for me. My feet started to move towards her direction, until I saw a guy walk up to her. She smiled at him the same way that she always smiled at me in the library. He wrapped his arms around her so easily and kissed her so effortlessly. And I just stood there watching while some strange guy put his mouth on Leah's. He held her against him like she was his. But she wasn't. She wasn't his.

Every part of me ached. A siren was going off in my head, and my heart was crawling up my throat. I turned away from the sight of her and balled up my fists at my sides. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to wipe the image from my mind, but I only saw it clearer. My eyes burned hotter than an iron. They welled up, and I couldn't stop them. Tears streaked down my face and stung against my skin.

How could she? Did she not understand how much I loved her? Why couldn't she love me? I loved her with every part of me, and she didn't even care. She took all of my love, only to show affection towards some rich pig. It must have been true, even for Leah, that money stayed with money. She wasn't a goddess. She was just another shallow rich girl.

I wiped my face with my hands and dried my eyes. I gripped the fabric of my hoodie over my chest and tried to settle my heart to slow it down. I set my feet towards the school entrance and walked off as rain started pouring down on me.



(Song: Intention by Kiiara)

What was nice between me and Daniel was that even if we had problems one day, things would sort of right itself the next. It was like a reset button. Yeah, there were times when Daniel was either upset or just out of it, but they weren't often. And I always had this certainty that if Daniel was upset about something, he'd be completely fine later. He was generally a very laid back guy. He just had his moments like everybody else.

On my way to the library, I was a little excited to see Trent. He was a weird guy, but a good type of weird. His gifts were nice. Although, I didn't really like flowers, and I kept the necklace on my dresser. But his gesture was really sweet. It wasn't normal for people to be as sweet as he was. I enjoyed having him in the library with me. It was better than sitting there by myself in silence.

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