Chapter Sixteen

45 8 20

October 29 2016 - Saturday



(Song: Don't You Want Me (Cover by SoRo))

I didn't know what to do with Leah. She always had this standoffish attitude with me. Every time I tried to get close to her, she would just brush me off. And now it seemed like she was avoiding me. She wasn't ever at her locker at school, and she still wasn't answering her phone during the day.

I had invited her to my house thinking that maybe she'd finally just relax. I usually didn't like bringing girls to my house because it was never empty. My little brother was like an incurable virus, relentless and sickening. All Benjamin ever did was run around acting like a monkey. He was nothing more than desperate child in need of attention. He had a babysitter for when neither one of my parents was home, but she didn't do a good enough job of restraining him.

Before Leah even showed up, Benjamin was running around the living room yelling that he was a samurai. The babysitter was sitting on the couch encouraging him. I stood behind her and placed my hands on back of the couch, glaring at the little brat.

"Can you take him to his room or get him to be quiet? My girlfriend is coming over, and I really don't need him being his usual annoying self right now," I said to the babysitter. She quickly stood up and walked over to Benjamin.

"Come on Beni, let's go upstairs," she said trying to grab his hand.

"I don't wanna." Benjamin pulled away from her and ran around her in circles.

"Your brother has a guest coming over."

"His girlfriend~ Dani, Dani, Dani sitting in a tree~." I scoffed and walked away. My brother tried to argue with the babysitter, but she ended up being able to herd him up to his room. When Leah finally showed up Benjamin was still yelling in his room.

"What is that?" Leah asked standing in the doorway.

"It's nothing, just my butt of a brother."

"Your little brother? I haven't met him."

"That makes you fortunate." I grabbed her wrist and brought her into the house. I headed for the stairs and took her up to my room. I sat on my bed but watched Leah as she analyzed the shirts hanging up in my closet.

"Why do you have so many clothes?" she asked with her back to me while she examined every shirt like there was a hidden code on it.

"That's a weird question."

"I haven't even seen you wear most of these."

"I like having options."

"You have more clothes than I do."

"Yeah. . .you wear jeans a lot." I looked down and gazed at the denim fabric that graced her hips and hugged her a** in a very antagonizingly tempting way.

"Is there a problem with jeans?"

"You look good in them, so it doesn't really matter."

"Some of these shirts look exactly like each other."

"Leah, sit down, relax. My closet really isn't all that interesting." She turned around, and I tapped my hand on the mattress next to me. She looked at me for a second before looking down at the ground.

"I, uh, actually have to use the restroom. Where is it?" I squinted at her, and silence covered the room as my mind tried to reboot.

". . .It's- it's the door two doors down on the left."

Leah and TrentWhere stories live. Discover now