Chapter Thirty-seven

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January 30 2017 - Monday



(Song: Madness by Ruelle)

Leah was my best friend, even though she wasn't all that personal with me. She was the nicest person I knew. She never talked bad about anyone. She never harped on me about anything even when I constantly asked for her to help me with my homework. Sometimes I wondered if she was even human.

I missed her. I missed talking to her and hanging out. She was my cheer buddy. She didn't really enjoy cheering as much as everyone else. I could tell by the expression that she'd have on her face when she thought no one was looking. But even when she wasn't loving every part of being a cheerleader, she still put her all into it and joked around with me all the time. I missed that.

I waited by her locker in the morning. I saw Leah from the corner of my eye, walking towards me and her locker. I smiled and waved, but she looked back at me with an apathetic look. She didn't really look like herself. Her face was the same and she was wearing the same uniform, but everything was offset. Her hair wasn't as neat as it usually was. Her uniform had wrinkles in it. Her shoulders were slouched. She carried herself as if she was a completely different person.

"Hi," Leah said as she stopped by her locker and started turning the dial to unlock it. She didn't even look at me. Her voice even sounded different, it seemed odd when it hit my ears.

"Hey, Leah. What's going on? I haven't seen you in. . .awhile."

"Nothing's going on." She opened her locker and still didn't look at me. She placed her backpack in front of her and started moving things from her backpack to her locker and vice versa.

"Then why haven't you been to cheer practice? And I talked to Daniel, he said you've been avoiding him too."

"I have to get to class," she said slamming her locker shut.

"No, you don't. Class doesn't start till fifteen minutes."

"I still have to get to class." She turned away from me to walk away.

"Would you stop?" I grabbed her arm and stopped her from leaving. She quickly turned around and stood in front of me. "Now, why are you acting so weird?"

"Let go of me," She said in a very icy tone with piercing eyes. She had never talked to me in such a harsh way before. It felt like she was threatening me. Like she hated me. I let go of her arm and took a step back.

"You're being a jerk," I said crossing my arms. I took a deep breath realizing that my nerves were starting to go haywire. "You completely stop talking to me without any explanation. You're avoiding your own boyfriend. How do you think I feel? How do you think he feels?"

"I don't care how he feels."

"Since when do you not care about other people. I thought you were better than that."

"You spend every day talking about people behind their backs and you want to judge me for not caring."

"I- I. . ."

"I'm sorry to disappoint, but maybe you might want to focus on yourself and not me." She quickly turned and started walking away before I could even think about stopping her.

I stood there with my mouth open replaying what she said in my head. There was no way that she could have said that. Those words weren't her. Unless they were and she had just been pretending this whole time. She never did say much. Maybe that was how she actually felt. What if she hated me?

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