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"MS. JOSH , can you stay after for a bit so I can discuss something with you?" My teacher Mr. Malix asked. I stopped packing my belongings up and walked towards his desk.

"As you know Hadley you are one of my best students even though, now a days there isn't much competition. One of my students is really having trouble and I need you to tutor her." He said in a calm tone. He adjusted himself on his desk and placed his hands together.

I remained silent waiting for the name of the person I will be tutoring.

"Yeah sure. Who is it?" I asked him. He said, "Deborah Gallagher."

My mind immediately made a mental picture of Debbie. She was a year older than I was. She had red straight hair and puffy cheeks. Her and I never really talked before but as far as I knew I had heard only nice things about her.

"She is willing to meet you somewhere, talk to her during lunch and see where you guys will meet." He said.

"Okay." I said and grabbed my math stuff. I jogged to my locker and placed my stuff inside of it. I grabbed my things for the next class. After English class, I went to lunch.

On my way, people called me the following nerd, ugly, whore ext. I was use to it. I was a social outcast and that's just how it was.

I looked for Debbie and I found her sitting at a table by herself.

"Hi Debbie my names Hadley I'll be tutoring you after school. Where do you want to go?" I asked her.

"Um how about my house I'll give you the address?" She asked.

"Sounds good," I said.

I went to walk away but I noticed she was alone. To be honest I was pretty shy so I didn't really have a lot of friends so I was just going to sit with the band geeks.

I took a seat next to her. She lifted her head and she smiled.

We learned a lot about each other. I learned she liked pop music and she adored puppies although she never had one.

"I have a puppy her names Lilly you could come meet her sometime," I insisted.

"I would love to," she said and smiled big.

- ♕ -

At the end of the day when the bell rung I gathered my stuff and started walking. I followed the directions that she gave me and ended up in front of a house that wasn't so far from mine.

 I followed the directions that she gave me and ended up in front of a house that wasn't so far from mine

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I opened the gate and walked up the wooden stairs. I let out a deep breath and knocked on the door. Moments later Debbie opened it up and welcomed me inside. It was quite quiet, the opposite from my house.

"Wow, your house is quiet," I said amazed.

She started laughing. She was laughing so hard she was bending over and holding her stomach.

"It's because my family isn't home. But trust me if they were, no earphones could tune out the noise," she said walking in the kitchen.

I followed her and put my stuff on the table. I pulled out the textbooks and took a seat.

She handed me a water bottle. I thanked her and we started on the problems.

"And that would equal..?" I asked.

"245?" She said unsurely.

"Yes!" I cheered.

She raised her fist in the air and danced in triumph.

I looked at the clock and it was 4:38. Just then the door busted open and noise erupted throughout the house.

A young woman came in holding the hand of a little dark skinned boy. In the other hand she held a bag of groceries. Behind her, a boy with blazing red hair held two bags. Shortly after the red haired boy, another boy with curly brown hair held another bag.

They all placed the bags on the counter.

"Who's this Debs?" The brown haired boy asked.

"Guys, this is Hadley. Hadley this is my oldest brother Lip," she said pointing to the brown haired boy.

"That's my other brother Ian," she said pointing to the boy with the red hair.

"My sister Fiona and my little brother Liam," she said.

They all waved and started putting away groceries.

"Hadley if you'd like you could stay for dinner I could drive you home after," Fiona asked.

"Sure," I said.

- ♕ -

"And that's when I decked him in the eye," Ian said earning laughs from us all.

"That isn't half as good as my day. Old men trying to feel up on me is the cherry of my day," Fiona said sarcastically scooping herself some more macaroni.

The door suddenly opened. We all turned to see who it was. A boy's voice arose from the other room, "I'm home!"

And then he walked in the room. Carl fucking Gallagher.

                                        - -
              Well that's the end of the first chapter
I know it's super duper short but they will be longer
                              Hope you enjoy

GOOD TO HOOD ♕carl gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now