Chapter VI

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before you attack me yes i know that dylan actually has blue eyes but since he's literally the only person i could find that matches what i was imagining link as, just pReTeNd ty


"I'm very sorry about that sir." Vanessa apologized once everyone got off of the zipper safely.

"Well it's not the first time something like this happened," the employee smiled, revealing his pearly white teeth. I swear they sparkled.

"Aight so where can I find myself so-" Carson was immediately interrupted by Owen's being placed over his mouth.

"It's okay young boy. Right over there." the employee pointed over to the little kids rides and Carson immediately ran.

I looked around the fair and saw this really cool roller coaster ride that went in one giant loop.

"Who wants to go on that with me?" I pointed my finger towards the ride.

"Mmm I'm pretty sure no one. Are you nuts?" Vanessa crossed her arms.

"Look it's a lightskin!" a group of girls ran up to Owen, holding their phones up and trying to take pictures of him.

"Um okay... anyone?" I grew impatient.

"I'll go." Bradley stood forward.

"Damn. It's like you're volunteering as tribute for the Hunger Games." Leo snorted.

"Fuck off." Bradley glared at him. "Let's go."

Together we walked towards the ride and waited in the long line. What were we going to do in this long ass line?

Standing next to Bradley made me realize how tall he really is. He must be at least 6'1. It's like I'm standing next to Jensen Ackles.

We faced each other and were
about a foot away from each other. There were people all around us, shouting in each other's ears with their breaths smelling like alcohol.

"Oh so uh, how's life been?" he finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"Fine, I guess. You?" I responded.

"Boring, -"

"Omg CC!" the girl behind us interrupted him.

"No no no we're not dat-" I was then interrupted by Bradley.

"Really? Thank you. Yes, we do really like each other." he lightly hit wrist, signaling for me to go along with it.

"Right. Yeah." I said awkwardly to the girl. She wore a huge pink bow in her strawberry blonde hair, and she also had on a ton of eyeliner that made her look like a female Egyptian pharaoh.

"How long?" she questioned.

"9 months, actually." Bradley answered.

"Awe!" the girl squealed.

"Yeah." I suddenly felt a hand gradually wrap around my waist. I'm not going to lie, but I actually liked it.

"We do really love each other." Bradley placed his other hand onto my wait and pulled me closer to him. We were now touching. I placed my hands onto his chest.

"Awe you two should totally kiss!" the girl stated.

"Kiss?" I jerked my head towards her.

"For me? Pleeeaaase." she begged and whined.

Don't do it. Don't do it. Bradley, don't do it.

And he did it.

"Next!" the guy controlling the ride called out. I looked up and saw that we were now at the front of the line.

Bradley and I walked towards the car and took a seat. We strapped ourselves in and waited as more and more people were loaded onto the ride.

"Try not to vomit, I've been here since 5am and you'll have to clean it yourself." the employee snickered as he tugged on my seat belt, making sure it was secure.

"We won't." I replied.

"Well, I won't. But I don't know about you." Bradley said.

"Hey." I punched his elbow.

The employee's voice came over the intercom and dozed off into a daydream instead of actually listening to the announcement. I didn't even notice that the ride started.

"Hey put your arms up." Bradley grabbed my hands and pulled them up into the air.

"No thank you, I rather not fall out of the ride while it's going upside down." I said.

"Well, that's what Obama Care is for." he responded.

"Are you sober? Donald Trump got rid of Obama Care before he got sent to jail."

"Are you sober? He didn't get sent to jail. He left the country before anyone could lay a finger on him."

"Whatever." I snorted, crossing my arms.

The ride started.

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