Chapter XVI

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"What a prick!" Vanessa snapped.

"I should just beat her ass." Ansley put her fists together.

"Guys it's fine." I announced as I looked at myself in the mirror. "During break I'll probably just quickly go to my house and change." I examined the salad dressing splashed all onto my shirt.

"But Maeve, you took the bus today. There's no way you'll be able to get home, change, then come back on time for class." Vanessa explained.

"Damn it." I pounded my fist down on the counter. "I guess I just have to look like this for the rest of the day."

"I won't let you!" Vanessa spoke with pride.

"Yeah! I can help you get all of this dressing out of your hair." Ansley dangled a piece of my hair in her hand.

"And I'm sure I have tons of spare clothes in my locker." Vanessa lit up like a light bulb. "Speaking of, I'll be right back." She rushed out of the bathroom to go fetch me some clothes.

Ansley grabbed a bunch of paper towels and wet some of them, then applied them to my hair to try to get the dressing out. As she did that, I picked out any excess spinach and lettuce.

Luckily, my hair was already in a bun so it was a lot easier to solve the issue than if my hair was down.

"Why would that bitch ass Candice even do that to you?" Ansley started ranting, more to herself than to me. "If she was a red head she could be Candice from Phineas and Ferb with her twig ass body."

"Oh that's true." I stated.

Vanessa came back in carrying a pile of clothes.

"Woah that was fast." I said.

"Well there really is no time to waste. Lunch is almost over." she placed all of her clothes down onto the counter.

"So do you have anything that I could wear?" I asked as Ansley came close to finishing cleaning up my hair.

"I have a white shirt that you can wear. It's like loose but not too loose and tight but not too tight y'know what I mean?" she explained.

"Sure." I lied, obviously.

"Here it is." she held up the shirt, and it had a small hood in the bag even though it wasn't really meant to be a sweatshirt. It was actually really cute.

"I'll take it!" I clapped my hands. "Oh and I'll probably just return this to you after school. I can just walk to your house or something."

I walked into a bathroom stall to change, as I was changing, I discovered that I had gotten my period.

I came out of the stall and rolled my eyes. "This day just keeps getting better and better." I said sarcastically.

"What's wrong?" Ansley questioned.

"I just found out I'm on my period." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have any tampons. I'm so sorry." Vanessa frowned.

"I guess I'll just buy some during break." I spoke. I grabbed all of my belongings and we left the bathroom, only to be greeted by Link who seemed to be waiting outside of the bathroom.

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