Chapter 1-- I'll be Naming Your Turtle

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•[Hamilton's Perspective] •

"Dude, no!" I yelled at Laurens.

"Awww, come on! Just hold him!" John whined.

"No! I'm trying to do an essay!" Actually, that was a lie... But I am not touching a turtle! Why? You may be asking me. Well, turtles are from the sea. I lived by the sea for most of my life and SHIT HAPPENED! I mean, I love Laurens to death, as a friend, but, honestly, I hate anything that has to do with the ocean because of that damn hurricane. I'd do anything for my Laurens, except hold his turtle, who is still nameless.

Laurens groaned, "Fine!! But why won't you? HOW can't you!? He's so cute!"

I looked up at John from my position on the couch, "John, he doesn't even have a name..." And I also know something that's cuter.... I wanted to say that last sentence soooo bad, but I didn't.

John frowned, he was in deep thought. He then smirked, looking down at me with a mischievous look. "If you're not going to hold him, how about you name him! You don't have to touch him and he gets a name! Win-win!"

I sighed, "Fine, but you can't change the name!"

"Deal! Now, what is it?"

"....Aaron Turr...."

"..." John was silent for a moment then bursted out laughing, "Why are you so obsessed with Burr? Do you, like, stalk him or something?"

I scoffed, "No, we have mutual hatred for each other and he's my roommate."

"Ha! I bet you guys say that to cover up your romantic relationship!"

"That's like saying I've been fucking Lafayette," I responded bluntly, "and Burr and I are on-and-off friends."

John bit his lip, trying so hard not to laugh, "Sounds like a couple on a break."

"Okay, number one, I've never even kissed someone let alone dated a guy who I'm not interested in, and number two, fuck you," I was glaring at him by the end of the sentence.

Laurens frowned, "Was that a confession?"

He sounded serious but that can't be a serious question! Honestly, he must be joking!

"Laurens, I-" and the door to my dorm swung open. Both John and I looked towards the door. It was Burr.

John smiled, clapping his hands together, "Well, speak of the devil!"

"Literally..." I whispered making John chuckle in the background.

"Rude, Alexander!" Burr scolded. He must have heard me.

"Hey, I must not think that badly of you sense I named John's turtle Aaron Turr!" I responded grinning.

Burr scowled, "You hate turtles, remember?"


"John, you're overreacting," I told him gently.

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