Chapter 13- There'll be an Argument

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\|Burr's Perspective|/

   Peggy stood up and began to yell, "What the fuck are you talking about, Burr?!?! I haven't been through hell and back!! She has!!" She pointed at Maria, "And so has Alex so I don't know why you're suggesting that he helps!! You're such an ass, Burr!!"
   "I was kidding, jeez!" I said calmly in defense, "You take everything so seriously."
   "Well, I'm sorry, Burr but sometimes situations like these have to be taken seriously!" Peggy growled in response.
I waved my hands around in surrender, "Okay, okay, I'll be more serious just calm down-"
   Ms. Peggy interrupted me, "Excuuuuuuusse me, 'princess' but not everyone can be a calm asshole like you!!"
   "Princess? Who the fuck are you calling princess!?!? I'm not the one who has everything handed to me plus some!! You're the princess that gets everything and I am the tyrant that will knock you from your throne!!" I growled.
Peggy got in my face and began to spit incoherent sentences at me. I yelled a blur of words back, not really thinking of what I was saying, just saying it.
   "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!" I heard a loud shout and stopped speaking and looked fearfully at a completely pissed off Maria. She was fuming while breathing heavily, her face scrunched up in anger and disgust.
   "I hope you two know that now is not really the best time for this shit!" she growled, anger at both myself and Peggy.
   Peggy sighed and stepped over to Maria and whispered something to her. Maria nodded then looked at me.
   "Burr, have we decided on my plan or do you have a better one?" she asked, still sounding a little bit angry but that was to be expected.
   I looked at Maria then nodded, "I think I have a better plan."

[Hamilton's Perspective]•

I sighed, falling backwards to lay on the floor. I put my hands up to reach for the apartment door but I wasn't close enough to reach it.

I groaned putting my hands on my face. Why did John leave without telling me where he was going? He didn't act strange, just kissed my forehead and said he had to get some stuff done while smiling.

It was nothing out of the ordinary other than him not telling me where he was going. He always told me everything...

I felt lonely in the apartment alone, all my friends out doing something while I was left alone to wallow in my own self pity.

I laughed at myself, face palming slightly. Look at me, laying on the floor of my apartment that I shared with my secret lover. It was sad to think about, being alone in an apartment that I'm still not used to living in.

I should write or something. I still have classes but I've gotten all my work done for the next month. I should really find another hobby that isn't reading or writing... More maybe a should get a pet, like John suggested.

I sighed. Suddenly, the door swung open and I heard John's beautiful laugh.

"Alex? What are you doing on the floor?" he asked between laughs. I frowned.

"Johnnnnnnnyyyyy..." I looked up at him. He sighed, smiling.

"Are you just gonna lay there or are you gonna hug me?" he asked, putting a hand on his hip. I jumped to my feet and leaped into John's arms.

"I missed you!" I smiled, "Where have you been?"

"Weeeelllllll, I was out plannin' some stuuuuffff...." he said with a wide grin.

"Planning what?" I asked out of curiosity.

John shook his head, "Nothing important~"

"It must be something important if you're planning it without me!"

"Alex, you have to learn that you can't always be the center of attention," he laughed then quickly added, "At least, when I'm not around, you won't~"

I laughed, "You're a dork." I walked away from him and jumped over the back of the couch, landing on the couch perfectly.

I put my arms in the air, yelling, "skills," as loud as I could. John came up behind me, shaking his head.

"You're a fucking weirdo," he said, wrapping his arms loosely around my neck.

"Hey, I don't fuck, I get fucked," I pointed out, "not to mention by you!"

John laughed. "Your secret is safe with me~" he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

"Can we just cuddle and watch TV because I'm hella bored and want to show you my love," I asked, showing him pleading eyes.

John rolled his eyes but obliged. He walked around the couch, grabbing the remote as he walked by it then sat beside me.

I scooted closer to him with a smile, as he turned the TV on and changed the channel to some cliche movie.

I grinned as John put an arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I sighed, lovingly as I snuggled into his side.

He pulled me down to lay on top of him as he watched the movie. I put my head on his chest and smiled. His heart beat was going at a steady pace, showing that he was completely calm.

He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled wider, closing my eyes.

Suddenly, the apartment door swung open and my head shot up I was utterly surprised to see who it was but was overwhelmed with confusion and worry at their facial expressions.

John laughed dryly, "And they are here..."

Hey, guys! I actually edited this chapter! Kinda... Not really... Whoops!

I had writer's block and depression while writing this and all I could think about was the girl I like so yeah. Delighted and distracted. I love Burr °v°

Anyway, the fight at the beginning was originally not going to happen and nor was the whole lams stuff at the end. I kinda trashed my original idea cause it was shit and had Hamburr so I was like, "NOPE! TRASH IT, HAR, THIS IS LAMS NOT HAMBURR!!!" And that's how that happened. w3w

Stay hopeful, bruh!
~Harls <3

912 words

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