Chapter 5- She'll be Crying

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♢{Peggy's Perspective}♢

I sighed and slammed my head against the desk in my room. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and spilling onto the desk. I bit my lip to stop myself from making any sounds. I thought back to the texts Eliza and Angelica sent me about a relationship between Alexander and John. They said being gay was a sin. They said that I should read the bible. They said that every gay person will go to hell. They said I'm going to hell...

Tears fell onto the desk at an uneven and rapid pace. I choked on my sobs as I lifted my head a bit and grabbed my phone. I have to tell someone... I looked through my contacts and stopped at John's name. I hesitated for a moment then called him.

"Yo, Peggles! Peggy? Are you okay?" He heard my quiet sniffles. "I-I'm fine. Umm. I h-have something that I'd like tell you..." I answered meekly. "What is it Peggy? You can tell me anything." he spoke gently. "Can we meet up and talk?" I asked with a small voice. "Yeah. Of course." I heard shuffling on the other side of the line and a soft groan then John saying something softly to whoever it was.

"Where do you want to meet? And can L-Alex come? He asked in a still gentle voice. "The coffee shop by the dormitories. And yes. He can come..." I hung up then quickly stumbled to my feet and out of my room. Most of the time in the mansion my family calls home my sisters and I don't run into each other anywhere. But today was different...

I bumped into a tall figure and squeaked in surprise "Peggy? Have you been crying?" "No!" I yelled wiping my eyes then ran past my eldest sister. I ran down the steps and into the living room where my father was sitting and watched TV. "Margarita! How is your day going?" "Bad!" And I raced into the kitchen panting. "Peggy? You alright?" Damn it Eliza! "Fine!" I starting running again. When I reached the door I slipped on my flats then raced out the door. I raced down the street towards the dormitories. I swiftly pasted it, having someone yell my name. I ignored them and continued running.

When I reached the coffee shop I entered then collapsed at a table in the far right corner in the back of the shop. I was panting heavily but crossed my arms on the table and put my head in them. I could just feel the tears pouring onto the table. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and looked up sniffling. It was a women I didn't recognize probably around Alexander or Eliza's age. She was wearing a long red dress that stopped at her feet. And you could see the red high heels under the garment. She was quite a lovely looking woman but that's putting it lightly. She had gorgeous long hair that flowed like a water fall of black curls. "Are you alright, love?" I wiped my eyes and nodded. "I'm fine. Just waiting for some friends." The woman nodded slowly. Her curls followed the motion. "I'm Maria by the way. And you look like Peggy Schuyler?" I nodded. "My real name is Margarita. Peggy is just a nickname." Maria laughed. "Would you mind me calling you Daisy? Because Margarita means Daisy? Get it?" I nodded. A smile was forming on my face. Just then John and Alexander walked in. They sat down across from me at the table with four chairs. Maria interdouced herself to the other two then strod away. But not before slipping me her number.

"Peg. What do you want to talk to me about?" "Me. A-am I a sinner?" Alexander asked. "No Peggy. I myself don't know you very well but you are not a sinner!" I sighed. "How do you know that?" "I-" John cut him off. "Peggy. Why do you think you're a sinner?" "My sisters said so." "Eliza and Angelica called you a sinner?!" "Well they didn't know they were talking about me because I haven't told anyone. But they did say what they said." John put his hand on mine. "Peggy. Will you tell me?" I took a deep breathe. "I'm gay."

Silence was filling the air. After a few moments that felt like days Alexander responded. "I'm bisexual..." John scoffed. "I'm sure we all knew that Alexander." I stared at them. "I didn't." John looked at me and smiled. "I'm gay, too." Alexander laughed. "Now that's obvious!" I smiled as the continued to bicker jokingly. I laughed at them.

"Hey guys can we leave? This scenery is getting boring." I asked them. They looked at me and nodded. I got to my feet and the other two followed. I was walking in the front for once. I was usually behind my two taller sisters when I walked. I raced forward laughing and jumping. I ran in between two people kissing. Alex and John following. The rest of the day was spent photo bombing and taking selfies.


Oh my gosh, I almost cried writing this!! Also, this is based on my friend's experience of learning she was gay and coming out of the closet.

On another note, how do you like the complete change of writing style? If you don't know, it's because this is in Peggy's eyes and this is how she writes. With no commas... *cringes* I'm a grammar Nazi if you didn't already know. XD

One more thing, I don't update on weekends because I usually don't have internet, so I'll focus on writing and getting ahead on some chapters.

Have a good day! °v°
~H.R. <3

855 words

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