Chapter 18- He'll Have a Plan

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(A/N: Surprise!!!)

/[Theodosia's Perspective]\

"Peggy, love," I said stepping out of the way, "come in."

The girl on my doorstep walked in slowly. She walked to my living room with her head lowered.

I followed her as she sat next to Aaron on the couch. He was talking to her and she just nodded, not making eye contact.

I sat beside her and placed my hand on her thigh. She lifted her head slightly then turned to look at me.

Her face was stained with tears, her eyes puffy and red, she was visibly shaking and she was constantly shifting on the couch.

"Please tell me this is just a nightmare..." she whisperd quietly. Tears began to fall down her cheeks.

I pulled her into a hug, whispering, "What happened."

"Maria, John, Alex, and I got kidnapped by James Reynolds and all of us escaped except for John. We have to save him!" she explained quickly.

I nodded, pulling away from her to end the short hug. I looked at Aaron, who nodded.

"I have a plan," he mumbled, deep in thought.

•[Hamilton's Perspective]•

We ran after Peggy. We were both calling for her to see if she'd come back. She didn't.

So, we followed her to a house. The door had closed once it was in sight.

Maria raced up to the door. On the way she tripped, her shoe falling off, but she got back up and continued running.

She threw the door open and raced in. I ran after her.

"Maria!! Wait!!" I yelled, stopping to catch my breathe, then adding in a whisper, "Fuck. She's faster than she looks..."

I ran into the house after Maria. I looked into the living room where Maria was. She was hugging Peggy from behind, who was sitting in between Theodosia and Burr on a couch.

I walked up to the four, panting heavily. I looked at the small group.

"Alexander," Burr said, sanding up, "we need to call Angelica."

I nodded, "Do you have her number?"

Burr sighed, taking his phone out of his pocket, "No." He handed me his phone and I dialed Angelica's number.

Angelica picked up immediately.

"Hello?" she asked into the phone.

"Umm... It's Alexander..." I replied.

"Alex?! Oh, shit!! Where the fuck are you!? A-and Peggy?! And Eliza!?!?"

"Angie, Eliza is bad. She helped kidnap me, Peggy, Maria, and John. Pegs, Maria, and I all escaped but Reynolds has John. We are at Theo's place and we need your help," I explained as quickly as possible.

"Holy shit, Alex!! Are you guys alright!?!" Angelica yelled.

"Just get over here, Ang," I responded.

"Of course, I'll be there in less than three minutes!" she yelled than hung up.

I threw Burr's phone at him and he caught it with ease, placing it back in his pocket.

Suddenly, the door swung open. I heard a loud yell.

"Lex!! I'm here!!"

I turned to Angelica. "Angie!" I raced up to her, giving her a hug.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" she asked, hugging back.

"I'm fine," I mumbled against her hair, then pulled away, "We have to get Laurens..."

Angelica sighed, anxiously tapping her high heeled ankle boots against the hardwood flooring.

Theodosia and Burr walked past me, put on their shoes, then they left the house.

Everyone else followed them. I was in the rear of the group as we walked, while discussing our plan and where James was going to take John.

I could hear the soft tapping of Peggy's vans slowing down. Peggy stopped beside me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Even though I cried a lot, you should have been crying... He was your boyfriend," she whispered.

"Okay, number 1: me and John never decided if we were dating or not and number 2: was that supposed to make me feel better?" I responded, crossing my arms.

Peggy laughed nervously," So you guys fucked but didn't get together? And yeah..."

I sighed, "I know you're trying to lighten the mood, Pegs, but it isn't working...."

Peggy sighed, looking disappointly at the ground, "I know, I just hope he's okay..."

"I know, Peggy, I understand what you mean..."

Cri. What a sad chapter.... ;~; Kill me for making this sad.... And planning on killing someone.... OOPS I spoiled it.... Kidding, it's not really easy to guess so good luck.

I really want to reference my friend's depressing parodies of Hamilton. They're hilarious.

Sleep is for the weak!
~Harley <3

686 words

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