Chapter 28- They'll be Planning

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~<Third Person Perspective>~

John sighed as he leaned on the wall beside the door, watching Alexander pace in panic.

John shook his head, "Alex, you have to calm down." But Alexander ignored John, continuing to pace like a madman.

There was a loud knock on the door. John opened the door lazily. The two living Schuyler sisters walked in slowly when Angelica whispered, "Where is she..."

John pointed to the couch, making Angelica run there. Alexander was pacing around the living room while Peggy and John exchanged a few words.

"Are you okay?" John asked.

"Fine. I barely knew her anyway..." Peggy answered.

"But she's your sister-"

"Was. And you barely knew your dad."

"Fair point. So do you want to know the how story?"

"Better tell poor Angie, too."

"I know..." They proceed to get Angelica's attention while Alexander continued to pace. John explained what happened to the two sisters.

Peggy seemed angry while Angelica was crying. Peggy stomped over to Alexander and violently placed her hands on his shoulders.

"She fucking tried to kill me, John, and Maria! And you decide it's a good idea to let her in your house! What the fuck are you thinking letting a psychopath in to your house?!" Peggy screamed in his face as she ranted about all bad things Eliza had done in her life.

Angelica wiped her tears away, "But she also did some good..." The others stared at her.

John sighed, "I have to agree with Peggy on this one..."

Angelica spoke again, "What do we do with Eliza?"

Alexander took a deep breath. "We find out who did this to her with the information we have currently."

"Alexander, we can't have an investigation. We have to tell the police, then investigate after we are over Eliza's death," John stated.

"John is right," Peggy agreed, "We should cope first then investigate her death. Is this a better plan?"

The others nodded. John took his phone from Alexander and called the police while Peggy called the others.

~~~~~~~~~ (A/N)
I am so sorry for the lateness of this chapter!!! I had to go to therapy which I actually didn't go to because my mom got lost and the therapist left before we arrived at the "counseling services" building.

So how was the chapter? Uneventful? Yes. Boring? Absolutely! But I still hope you liked it.

Have a nice day :)
~Harls <3
337 words

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