Chapter 22- They'll be Reunited

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~<Third Person Perspective>~

A nurse walked up to the small group of friends looking serious. Everyone was hopeful except for negative John.

The nurse spoke in a soft, gentle voice, making John think his worst nightmare was a reality, "Are you all here to see Mr. Alexander Hamilton?"

There was a nod from everyone. The nurse sighed, whispering, "I wish there weren't so many of you," under her breath then continuing in her normal voice, "Mr. Hamilton is doing fine but I'm afraid only three of you can see him at one time."

John stood up immediately. He was now crying, smiling a little as well. Maria put her hand on John's shoulder and Peggy gently grazed his arm with her fingertips.

The trio followed the nurse to a hospital room surprisingly close to the waiting room.

The nurse stepped out of the way of the door when she opened it. She whispered something to Peggy and Maria that John didn't bother to listen to it.

John rushed into the room and stumbled over to Alexander.

"John!" Alex shouted, sitting up and smiling at John.

John raced over and attacked Alexander in a hug. Alex, of course, hugged back immediately.

"I'm sorry, Lexi. This is all my fault!!"

"John-" Alexander pulled away from John.

"I shouldn't have asked you to cheat on Eliza! I'm so stupid!"


"I mean I caused all this shit to happen. It's all my fault!"


John had started crying but he looked up at Alex as he spoke, "None of this is your fault."

"B-but y-you have to blame me a little, don't you?" John asked.

Alexander shook his head and pulled John down to his level by his collar. He kissed him gently and John immediately kissed back.

They stayed like that for at least two minutes but the kiss was cut short by Peggy clearing her throat. Both John and Alex pulled away while blushing madly. John chuckled nervously and Alex just sat there being awkward.

Peggy laughed, walking up to Alex and kissed him on the cheek with a wide smile.

"Bye, Alexander. I'll tell the others to leave you two be," she paused, "if you know what I mean." She winked.

Alex gagged, "Gross, Peggy!"

Peggy laughed, "Hey, we all know you two have done it before so don't you dare say 'gross'!"

Alexander blushed but still gave Peggy a cold, hard glare. Maria grabbed Peggy's arm and dragged her out of the room. They both waved as they closed the door behind them.

•[Hamilon's Perspective]•

I breathed a sigh as they left. Thank god that's over. I looked at John who looked away once our eyes locked.

The red that was spreading across John's face was absolutely adorable and made me want to kiss him. But, I, of course, didn't because that might make him uncomfortable and I didn't want that.

"So," John whispered, making eye contact with me again, "How do you feel about Eliza?"

"What?" I asked, not out of irritation or annoyance but solely out of confusion.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, no, I'm fine," I interrupted, "I just think Eliza should apologize, you know? It wasn't really her fault. It was a lot of people's faults. For example, us."

John nodded, "Yes, I know. I've just never saw you as a forgiving person. I mean, I know you are, I just..."

"I know," I whispered, "I just want to talk to her..."

Suddenly, I was engulfed in a hug.

"I'm sorry, Lexi, but I'm not sure if you will get to..." John whispered and I hugged him back.

"I think I love you, John Laurens..." I whispered.

"I think I love you, too, Alexander Hamilton..." he whispered back.

I'll Be Waiting-- Hamilton Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now