Chapter 11- She'll be Passed Out in a Car

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<<{Laurens' Perspective}>>

I quickly picked up Peggy's jacket and threw it over my shoulder then picked Maria up bridal style. I raced back into the party and looked for Peggy.

She was standing by herself in the crowd, frequently getting pushed by a few people but she just kept her head down.

"Peggy!" I shouted in her direction. Her head shot up and her eyes went wide as her eyes landed on Maria.

Peggy dropped the cup she was drinking from and raced to me. She hugged Maria, who was still in my arms.

"What happened?!" she shouted, tears in her eyes.

"She had a panic attack then passed out. I need you to bring her to your sister's car and wait there until I get the others, okay?" I explained slowly.

Peggy nodded and took Maria from me. She whispered something to her then raced away. She may be small but Peggy is extremely strong.

I looked around the room for any sign of my other friends and Burr. None of them were near. I swiftly raced across the room to a nearby staircase. I raced up the steps and when I reached the top, I slammed into someone making them fall, while I was just knocked off balance.

I stared at the short guy who I had knocked down. The room was so dark the only feature I could distinguish was his incredibly short curly-ish hair.

"I'm so sorry! I was in a rush and I-" I began but was cut off as he got back to his feet.

"I'm fine, really, but you don't look fine. You alright?" he asked, worried even if I didn't know him.

"Uh, I'm looking for my friends Alexander Hamilton, Theodosia Bartow, Aaron Burr, Angelica, and Elizabeth Schuyler. Have you seen any of them?" I asked, looking around.

"Yeah! I think my friend is flirting with Angel..." He looked behind him and trailed off. "Fuck! Follow me!" he said looking back at me.

He swiftly walked away and all I could do was follow. The guy walked up to a tall man with wild curls springing all over the place. He was significantly taller than the guy who was walking towards him.

"Thomas, please leave this poor girl alone!" he told the tall man who I guessed was Thomas.

"Jemmy!" the man, who was referred to as Thomas, shouted pulling the guy into a hug, "James, I've missed you!!"

I saw that 'James' was embarrassed so I just grabbed Angelica and walked away.

"Angie, I'm gonna make this short, Maria had a panic attack and passed out so Peggy brought her to Eliza's car and I'm looking for everyone!" I explained as fast as possible while rushing around, looking for anyone.

"Hmmm.... Do you have your phone?"


"Damn, I didn't bring mine either..."

"Mulligan probably has his phone." Angelica said while I walked through a thick crowd of people.

I spotted Mulligan chillin' against a wall next to a door.

"Herc!" I shouted, "Do you have your phone?!"

Hercules looked up me and shook his head, "Sorry, bro, it just died."

Angelica groaned, "Did anyone realize that we have horrible luck?!"

"Yeah, I know," Hercules nodded. Angelica smiled widely at him.

"Do you know where Alex, Theo, Eliza, and Burr are?" I asked swiftly.

"Theo and Burr are in there," he said pointing to the door next to him. I nodded and kicked open the door.

Yeah, I probably ruined the moment but who the fuck cares?! Theodosia and Burr were kinda just making out on a table. I don't really care but....

"She started it!" Burr said as he pulled away from Theo.

Theo rolled her eyes but smiled at him, "I admit it."

I kept a serious face and asked, "Please tell me one of you brought you're phone!"

They both shook their heads.

"Fuck! Just go stay with Angie and Herc! Ang will explain the situation to you!" I said then turned to the door and walked out.

I raced away, passing the Hercules and Angelica. As I passed them I yelled, "Wait outside for me!" I ran around the house, searching most of the the rooms until I found one at a secluded part of the house.

I slipped into the room and looked around. It was filled with a bunch of people, which kinda surprised me. I looked around and saw Alex standing in a corner farthest from the door.

Before I could say anything we raced up to me and smiled.

"John! Oh thank Jesus! I was so bored!" he said attacking me in a hug. I sighed.

"Lexi, this is serious... Maria passed out and Peggy is with her outside... Do you have your phone?" I explained as fast as possible.

Alexander nodded, handing me his phone. I quickly looked through his contacts for Maria's name.

When I found her name, I called it and after awhile, someone answered.

"Alex?!" I heard Peggy's frantic voice.

"Sorry to disappoint but it's John... How's Maria?"


"What happened?!"

"Nothing. She's just sleeping here in Eliza's car."

"Okay. You sure she's fine?"

"Stop worrying!"

I laughed, "You know that's impossible." I hung up before Peggy could answer.

I handed Alex his phone back then looked for Eliza. She was looking around, she seemed lost. That was until her eyes landed on Alex.

She raced up to him, pressing her body against his. I shuddered, turning away.

"We need to leave..." I told the two, awkwardly walking away.

Alex ran up, to speed walk beside me, with Eliza following slowly.

We made it out of the house in about three minutes and walked to the cars. Peggy, Maria, and Theodosia had agreed to ride in Eliza's car along with Eliza herself. Burr, Hercules, and Angelica agreed on riding in Burr's car, leaving me and Alex in my car.

We all got into the car they would be riding in and were drove to the Schuyler's mansion. During the car ride, John told a detailed description of what his night was like, but left out what Maria had said to whever she was on the phone with.

Hhheeeeeyyyyy!!! How was this unedited, completely rushed chapter?

Okay, so, I started writing this Friday and my friend told me to take a break so I decided to not write at all on the weekend and last night I totally rushed it... I wrote this when I was half asleep at 11:56.

Next chapter will be focusing on the plot. By that I mean, poor Maria. :( I made her have a terrible past three years.... I'm sorry!!

What would Burr do?
~Harls <3

1029 words

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