Chapter 29- I'll Finally be Smiling

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•[Hamilton's Perspective]•

The police were there in record time but everything was a blur to me. I don't think I said anything that night. At least, if I did I don't remember what was said. Aaron and Theo said they were there but I don't remember seeing them. I am currently sitting in Theodosia's house, choosing not to participate in John, Theo, and Aaron's conversation. It was now about four days since Eliza died. I don't think I have seen Peggy or Angelica since then.

I held my head in my hands.

"Lexi, are you okay?" John asked, gingerly placing a hand on my  shoulder comfortingly.

"Y-yeah, I-I'll be fine..." I replied shakily, trying to smile but failing miserably.

"We can talk about it if you want..."

I held up a hand, "I'm good."

Aaron shook his bead with a sigh, "You can't stay miserable forever, Alexander.

"Why are you constant acting like my mother?" I asked, a smile forming on my face. Theo and John laughed while Aaron rolled his eyes halfheartedly.

"Wait," Theodosia said suddenly then yelled, "Oh my gosh!! Is Alexander smiling?!"

Everyone stared at me, making my genuine smile turn into a nervous half grin.

Theodosia laughed, "I'm texting Ang and Peggy!! They need to be here while you're smiling!!"

I covered my face in embarrassment. "What has Peggy done to Theodosia?" I asked, only half joking.

I felt an arm around my shoulder and I moved my hand away from my face. I leaned into John, closing my eyes and shifting closer to him every once in a while.

I heard a door open and turned to look behind me at the front door. Peggy and Maria walked into the house.

Peggy looked flustered and embarrassed while Maria looked like she would die at any moment of laughter.

"What's up with you two?" Theo asked.

Maria started laughing so hard that she had to lean on Peggy for support. Peggy opened her mouth to say something but blushed and shook her head slightly.

Maria said, "We know what Ang has been doing behind everyone's back," between laughs.

I began to laugh along with John.

"God damn these insinuations!"

Hey, my friends. How are you? Good, good... This is awkward....

There are only two chapters left in this book and one is an epilogue. That's why I haven't been updating everyday. I just don't want this to end!! And y'all are so supportive, and I love you guys!!!

Stay amazing, mon cher!!
~Harley <3

365 words

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