Chapter 10- She'll be "Overprotective"

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[Eliza's Perspective]

I walked around the party, kind of feeling lost.
I wanted to spend the evening with my boyfriend
but he was no where to be found.

Forget it, I think I see him in the crowd.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Alex and John
were making out against a wall. I felt tears
in my eyes. Maybe he's drunk! There is no
way that he's gay! I can't even...

Theodosia walked up and pulled them
apart. She put her hand on Alex's shoulder
and turned to John and spoke to him.
Whatever she said made John nod then
walk away. Theo sighed then turned to Alexander.

This is when she exploded. She began
to yell at him, waving her hands around.
She turned and before she left she gave
Alexander a rude gesture. I felt my stomach hurt.

Just don't confront him. He's drunk, you
can forgive him. He isn't gay. He can't be!
I raced up to Alexander than
(A/N: that is intentional.) lept at him.

"Lex!" I yelled, smiling.

"Eliza! How do you like the party!" He said, smiling back.

I giggled, "it's fine! It would be better if we, you know...~" I began to grind on him.

"Eliza, please, just don't. We've only been dating for like two days," Alex tried to reason while pushing me away.

I pouted, "Four days. And it doesn't matter if things move a little fast!"

Alex sighed with a smile, "You're adorable but let's keep things PG-13." I sighed in frustration but nodded.

I grabbed Alexander's hand and pulled him into the center of the people dancing.

<<{Laurens' Perspective}>>

I raced away. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!! What did I do wrong? Well, let's see! I almost fucked a guy while said guy's girlfriend was watching, it's a party, so I had like five cups of whatever strong shit was on the table, and I have no clue where best friend is!

What the fuck is wrong with me?! Suddenly, I slammed into someone.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going-" I tried to say but was cut off.

"You better be fucking sorry you fucking faggot, whore!" (A/N: *shutters* I hate that word) the person said.

Peggy shouldered her way between us. "Who the fuck are you calling that, you little bastard!" she growled at him.

"Who the fuck are you calling bastard!" he snarled back.

Peggy kept a serious expression, "YOU, ASSHOLE!"

"No one calls me, Charles FUCKING Lee, a bastard or asshole!"

"Well, me, Peggy FUCKING Schuyler, just did!"

I heard Maria's loud shout from a little ways away, "That's right, Peg! You tell him who's boss!"

Peggy nodded then got up in Lee's face and spat on him, "FUCK. YOU." My eyes widened as she turned and walked away to where Maria stood.

I ran up to them. "Holy. Shit. Peggy. That. Was. AMAZING!" I shouted. Peggy blushed, looking down as she fiddled with her hands.

"Uh, was it really that amazing?" Peggy was always self-conscious of her achievements.

Maria answered before I could, "PEGGY THAT WASN'T EVEN NEAR AMAZING!! IT WAS SO COOL THAT THERE ISN'T ANY WORDS THAT EXPRESS HOW AWESOME THAT WAS!!" I nodded my head vigorously to show my agreement.

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