Chapter 19- They'll be Shot

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(A/N: Sorry for the lateness of this chapter.)

<<{Lauren's Perspective}>>

At this exact moment I had a gun pointed to my head and was being led to some abandoned house or something.

Being in this situation is scary. You don't know if your kidnapper will pull the trigger or dump in some lava pit, but at least I know my friends are okay. At least, I hope they are....

~<Third Person Perspective>~

Peggy had tears rolling down her cheeks as the group of six walked to the small building where Eliza was going to kill John. How did they know this? Well, Eliza wasn't exactly subtle with her "hints". Maria's one heel clicked against the rain covered back alleyway. She was stumbing from the shock of what happened.

Theodosia and Aaron walked silently, trying to keep the others quiet. Angelica took wide strides, trying to contain her anger. What had caused the anger was many things, her sister, James Reynolds, trying to be held back by the rest of the group. She had always been reckless.

Alexander walked alone, about ten feet behind the rest of the group but no one seemed to notice him.

Suddenly, Maria tripped and fell onto glass. Soon, blood could be seen and Peggy rushed over. She ripped the sleeve of her shirt off and wrapped it around Maria's knee, the most injured part of her body. Maria's palms were bleeding as well as her knee.

Theodosia walked over and inspected the wounds carefully. She whispered, "She'll be fine but I'd be better if she stayed beh-"

"No," Maria shouted, pushing Peggy away, "I want to show James I am not his property!"

Aaron strode over and put a hand on Maria's shoulder. "You will," he began, "but the first thing we need to do is keep Reynolds away from where Eliza is...."

"Why the fuck can't we get him now! He is right there!" Maria yelled, pushing Aaron away then standing up.

She began to charge at Reynolds but was stopped by none other than Alexander.

"Maria Lewis, do you want Laurens dead!?!" Alexander growled at Maria. She tried to shove him away but ended up stumbling backward into Peggy.

Peggy hugged Maria from behind. "M, please, calm down, my love," Peggy whispered to her. Maria's make-up was smeared and the tears that ran down her face made the make-up follow suit.

Maria took off her shoe. She ran silently toward Reynolds and John. She stopped ten paces (A/N: not intentional) behind them and turned to a dumpster in a branched off alley.

She threw her shoe at the dumpster, the thud of the shoe hitting the metal echoed through the alleys. Maria backed up so she wouldn't be noticed as Reynolds looked at the dumpster.

He walked toward it slowly. Maria ran up and jumped on him, putting him in a headlock. He lifted his gun to shoot her but she kicked it out of his hand with her foot.

Alexander and Peggy ran to aid Maria while Aaron, Angelica, and Theodosia ran to aid John.

Reynolds fell backwards onto the hard ground and Maria took her shoe off the ground and began to beat the shit out of him with it. Alexander kicked him in the ribs and Peggy held him down.

Reynolds began coughing and reaching for his gun. Reynolds finally kicked Maria and Alexander away and began wresting Peggy for the gun. Reynolds grabbed his gun and placed it against Peggy's temple.

"Move and you're dead," Reynolds hissed at her. Alexander stood up and raced to Reynolds and Peggy. He kicked the gun out of Reynolds' hand then pushed him off Peggy.

Alexander and Reynolds began to throw punchs. Reynolds grabbed his gun and aimed it at Alexander's chest.

John pushed away from Theodosia, Angelica, and Aaron and raced to Reynolds. He pushed the gun away from Reynolds' target.

There was a gun shot.

There was blood and screaming.

Theodosia called 911.

Aaron tried to help Alexander.

Peggy and Maria held Reynolds to the ground.

John cried as Angelica hugged him.

All the sounds were muffled, blurred almost. No one could think straight...
... the clock ticked.

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