Chapter 26- She'll be Gone

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•[Hamilton's Perspective]•

I ran up to Eliza. "Oh, shit! Are you alright, Eliza?!"

"'M fine..." Eliza whispered in a loud, raspy voice. I turned to John who was was standing silently, dumbfounded. He looked kinda pissed, I suppose.

Eliza sat up slowly, obviously taking her time, and handed me John's phone. I took it and put it in my back pocket, before sitting down beside Eliza.

"Eliza... Why are you here?" I asked quietly. Eliza stayed silent for a few moments then looked at her feet. She whispered something, or maybe just mouthed something, but whatever was said I didn't understand it.

She remained Solent for another moment before speaking again, "Alexander, it's my fault..."

I sighed, "Eliza, we all know that John and I started all this-"

"Not that... Reynolds... He's after us..." she said barely above a whisper.

"What do you mean 'us'?"

"Everyone... John, me, Angie, Peg, Maria, Aaron, Theo... You... Everyone..."

"But, how-?"

"I know... The thing is that, he's paying someone to do it..."

"Eliza, that's ridiculous-"

"No it isn't," John's voice cut me for. I looked behind me to see John staring at me.

I raise my eyebrow at him asking "what" quietly.

"I'm just sayin' it sounds like something James Reynolds would do," John answered.

I glanced at Eliza and saw tears streaming down her cheeks as her hands gripped her knees.

"Alexander, I know you never loved me, but I have and always will love you," the grip on her knees loosened as she continued.

She turned to me and blinked, "I haven't much time, Alexander. I'm so sorry, for everything. I caused you so much trouble but you still forgave me," her voice was becoming quieter and more strained, "I'll be waiting,, my dearest, I promise I'll wait for you..." She fell silent, slipping slowly into an unconscious state.

She went limp. (A/N: I'm crying ;~;)

By now tears were falling non stop. "Eliza," I whispered, placing my warm hand on her deathly cold and still one.

"We have to call the others," John spoke gently, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I know..."


I literally cried while writing this and I wrote this at school so....

I promised a death and in my original idea Reynolds was gonna die but I said "fuck that, I hate Eliza so I'll kill her off!" d(°v°)b that's how that was settled.

My friend knows how this book ends and yelled at me, saying that if I didn't change the ending I would have to make a sequel to this book. So, would y'all like a sequel?

Bye, bye, my lovelies!
~Harls <3

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