Chapter 7- I'll be at Game Night, Jeez

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<<{Laurens's Perspective}>>

I tugged on Alexander's sleeve.

"Come on, Alex! The gang is having a game night! We have to leave!" I whined.

"John, I'm busy. We're in college, you know!"

"When's the essay due?"



"A month..."

"That's it! I'm laying down the law! This is my apartment which means my rules! One of those rules is have fun once in awhile!"

"Everyday is fun with you in my life!" Alex said closing his laptop and looked at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, uh, we still going to game night? Mulligan will be there..."

Alex nodded, standing up then grabbing my hand and led towards the front door. On our way, I grabbed my phone and keys.

When we were out the door, I picked Alex up bridal style and raced to my car. I opened the car door and threw him in the passenger seat. I laughed and ran around the car to the driver's side of the car and got in.

I looked over at Alex, who looked very much unamused. He had his arms crossed over his chest and was pouting like a child. It was absolutely adorable.

"You had to throw me, didn't you!?" he growled at me.

I sighed, starting the engine. "Yes, yes I did."

"You're so annoying sometimes!"

"So are you."

"Wow, thanks!"

"No problem!"

"I was being sarcastic!"

"And I wasn't!"

There was a good minute of silence until I asked the question I wanted to ask him for awhile.

"Alex, do you really like Eliza?"

Alex shifted in his seat uncomfortably, "No."

"Then why are you dating her?

"I don't want to hurt her."

"Do you like someone else?"

"Yes," he answer, blushing a little.

"Is it me?"

"...yes," his face turned red and he looked down.

"What Eliza doesn't know can't hurt her."

"Are you saying...?" Alex's head shot up and he looked at me.


"I'll think about..."

I nodded, "We're here," I said as we parked in the driveway of the Schuyler's mansion.

Alexander nodded and quickly got out of my car. I got out too and walked to where Alex was. He was visibly struggling to stand.

"John, can you help?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"John to the rescue!" I yelled picking Alex up bridal style and carrying him to the Schuyler's front door. He giggled as I rang the doorbell.

Peggy opened the door with a huge smile. She stepped back to let us in. I stepped forward so that I was in the doorway and I dropped Alex on the floor. He groaned rolling over on the floor so that he layed on his stomach.

I'll Be Waiting-- Hamilton Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now