Chapter 24- They'll be Chillin'

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<<{Laurens' Perspective}>>

I smiled widely as Alexander and I walked out of the stupid hospital.

Although he had been there to rest, Alexander never fell asleep so he still had bags under his eyes. It made him look tired yet adorable.

Alex was limping beside me. How peculiar...

"Lex, you're limping," I told him.

"I'm fine!" Alexander yelled.


"I don't need any help!"

"Fine, fine, but when you fall I'm not helping you."

And, I heard a thud. I looked to my left to see Alex on the ground. I bursted out laughing.

"Oh, my god! You literally fell once I said that!" I exclaimed between laughs.

"It's not my fault! You jinxed it!" Alex growled, attempting to stand. Attempting but also failing.

"You're an idiot!" I said, laughing so hard that it hurt.

After I calmed down, I looked at Alex, who was still on the ground.

"We should probably leave, Lex," I informed Alexander as he laid on the ground because on his several failed attempts at standing.

"I can't," he whispered, probably hoping I didn't hear him. But I did so...

"Come on, Lexi," I whispered, slightly irritated. He just groaned.

"Fine! I'll just carry you!" I growled, but before I could do any thing, Alexander was on his feet.

"I'm standing!" he shouted, then stumbled into me. I chuckled softly.

"Barely," I corrected, causing him to scoff.

I laughed as I watched him stumbled away. I strode up behind him and picked him up bridal style.

He squeaked at my unexpected action.

"John, put me down right now! This isn't funny!" Alexander shouted.

"You're right, it isn't funny.... It's fucking hilarious!!" I yelled, laughing.

"I hate you," Alex grumbled as I began to walk toward our apartment.

"Awww, I love you, too, Lexi!!" I said with a sarcastic smile. Alex crossed his arms.

He stayed silent for the rest of the walk home.

The apartment was conveniently close (A/N: BECAUSE THE AUTHOR HATES TIME SKIPS!!)

The silence was suffocating but it only lasted five minutes because we had arrived at our apartment.

I dropped Alex onto the doorstep. He yelped as he hit the ground. Me being the cruel person I am, laughed.

I snorted softly as I looked down at his adorable flustered face.

He sat there, pouting like a child.

"Oh, my god, you're such a child!" I laughed.

I opened the door to the apartment and walked in.

•[Hamilton's Perspective]•

I stood up with a huff and strode into the apartment. John was doing something in the kitchen but I didn't really care so I limped to the couch and sat down.

I felt arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. I tilted my head back to look at John.

"Sorry about dropping you, Lexi," John said. I narrowed my eyes and thought for a moment.

"Apology not accepted," I growled. John sighed.

"Don't be like that, Alex."

I shrugged and he kissed my cheek before moving away from me and returned to the kitchen.

I turned around on the couch to look at John.

"What are you making?" I asked.

"Why do you care? Are you hungry or something?" John answered.

I scoffed, "Of course not! I'm just curious!"

"It's just toast."

"Why toast?"

"Because toast is the most amazingly simple yet absolutely delicious food that could be considered a snack ever."

"Uh, what?"

"I just want toast!!"

He walked over to the couch and sat next to me with two pieces of toast.

"Want one?" he asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes then asked, "Are you, like, gonna eat that plain?"

John nodded while beginning to eat.

"You're weird..." I whispered.

"Thank you," he responded with a smile.

"Laurens, that isn't a compliment..."

"Woah, haven't heard that from you in a while!" John exclaimed, referring to me calling him Laurens.

"You know you love it!"

"Of course I do, Hammy!"

"Okay, you took it too far..."

"I forgot you hate being called Hammy..."

"It sounds stupid!"

John laughed, "Oh, I know. Now let me eat in peace!"

I groaned, slouching on the couch. I was sliding down the couch until I was on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard John ask.

I groaned, "Being bored!"

John laughed and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

I glanced at him, "What's up with you and hugging me from behind?"

John chuckled, then kissed me.

I'll Be Waiting-- Hamilton Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now