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Millie's P.O.V
And that's when it happened right in front of me Finn he blew up his blood splattered everywhere. Just like a bad day on your period. Me just helpless not knowing what to do. But there is one thing...

One thing that could make this all go away if I said goodbye to my mom. Then I could leave forever.
And I could- I could be with Finn the love of my life.


It's my phone again probably that asshole that killed Finn.

"Hey Millie I told you not to try me you dumbass."

The guys hangs up the phone I'm guessing he's happy that well "I tried him" I guess.

"Hi Mom sorry for taking your car but Finn he was in danger and now he's dead and I am too goodbye."

I send the message then pull the gun out from under the seat I remember my mom putting it there.

"I'll see you soon Finn."
I say aloud then I pull the trigger.


Hope you guys like/love the book much love❤️

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