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Date(s) written: 3.22.17/3.23.17

Tyler never wanted to go back to the bookstore after what happen. He couldn't get attached too quickly to something that was obviously not going to happen forever. Josh seemed like a nice guy and Tyler would just be a waste of his time. Why did Josh like him so much? Tyler thought that when he shaved his head it would make Josh stop trying. Ever since the first time he ordered from Josh, Josh seemed really into Tyler.

So it had been three weeks away from the bookstore, but Tyler really needed a place to study his calculus homework. He didn't want to do it in his room anymore because he didn't even have a desk, and his mom kept either offering him stuff or asking him to do things. So he really needed a place to go, and his heart was tugging him back to that bookstore. The way the red-haired Joshua's hair would flick in the slightest of movement. His eyes would wrinkle every time he smiled. None of his smiles were fake, every one seemed somehow more genuine than the last one. The way Joshua's eyes would light up when he'd turn towards Tyler. Tyler never thought it meant that Joshua was somehow falling for him, he just thought it meant Josh liked Tyler's presence.

So he finally sat back into his car, ready to go back to his cozy bookstore. Maybe Josh won't even be there. Tyler thought to himself shivering as he turned on his car. It was Saturday, and Tyler was glad he didn't have any school. Yet, he hadn't been going to school recently anyways. Ever since the Josh incident everything seemed to be crumbling. Tyler's dad had contacted him after years of silence between the two, and his sister had gotten a boyfriend so he no longer had someone to talk to. His dad had told him he wanted to visit him, and Tyler couldn't even comprehend that he was on the phone with his dad, so he slammed the hang up button, and cried for approximately four hours.

The radio in Tyler's car had been broken for quite a bit of time. He never wanted to bother his mom for it, he didn't need her money. The silence almost seemed like a pillow then enveloped around his body as he drove to the bookstore. Although his aux cord still worked, the silence guided his mind throughout the streets of his thoughts.

The quick ride was over soon, and he was shaking. Too nervous to even face the red-haired boy now. Why was he so nervous? Josh had said he liked Tyler. Maybe it was just Tyler's mind; it always seemed to be. Tyler grabbed his macbook from the passenger seat, and admired the stickers covering his laptop. It made him happy knowing every sticker had a story, like the one of Dwight from his favorite show- The Office (actually an amazing show pls watch it's on Netflix!).

The door jingled from it's bell that hung above it, and Tyler's eyes immediately flung to the boy behind the counter. There he was. Joshua. Tyler walked quickly to a book rack, pretending to be interested in some books, while what he really wanted to do was order his coffee and study. Some of the books actually caught Tyler's eyes, and he realized he needed to read more, so he bought two or three.

Josh seemed to be watching Tyler's every move when he could. No cashiers were behind the book checkout, so Josh had to scan Tyler's books. The awkward feeling hung in the air. Josh seemed so excited, and was tapping a little tune on the checkout counter while waiting for the receipt to print out. Tyler shifted his weight from foot to foot while Josh bagged the books, that honestly didn't even need to be bagged, but Tyler didn't objectify.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you want to order some coffee now?", Josh said catching Tyler off guard. Tyler loved his voice. Josh did a half smile while saying it, melting Tyler where he was standing.

"U-Uh ye-yeah." Tyler spluttered out, sighing afterwards at finally getting the simple sentence out. Josh only laughed, still grinning. Eyes wrinkled. Perfect.

They walked over to the coffee section in comfortable silence, and Josh started making a drink randomly. What was he doing? Tyler hadn't even ordered yet. Continually in the middle, Tyler would realize Josh humming or tapping the same tune over and over. Tyler didn't mind though, it helped with the silence.

After making the drink, Josh wrote another thing on the cup, and handed it to Tyler.

"On the house. It's a White Mocha, thought that was your favorite." Josh said, sounded nervous and scratching his head.

Tyler grinned from ear to ear, and said, "Oh! I don't think I ever introduced myself."

"I'm Joshua Dun, but just leave off the ua and call me Josh." He said reaching out a hand.

"I-I'm Tyler. Tyler Joseph." Tyler was beginning to feel the anxiety creep back into his mind.

"I know- I mean not in a creepy way! I just um. Sorry I'm stupid." Josh said continually making anxious hand gestures toward Tyler. "

"Dude! It's fine, I knew your name too, but I introduce myself to people who I think will really be in my life." The hesitant tone hung in Tyler's voice at the end.

"You think I'll be in your life?" Josh asked with exploding happiness in his mind.

"I believe so, Joshua, if you'd like to be." Tyler said looking down to the floor, he was nervous. Was this flirting? No way. They were just friends.

"Take a look at your cup, darling." Josh winked at Tyler before walking away back behind the mini coffee shop. The small nickname slipped out of Josh's mouth, and Tyler hadn't even noticed.

The loneliness fell onto Tyler from the missing of Joshua's presence. Tyler didn't even want to drop the 'ua' on Joshua's name. It made something special between them. It made Tyler feel just happier that maybe he had a nickname for Joshua. It wasn't a nickname though, but it was more unusual than Josh, and that meant something special for the two.

Tyler walked over to his usual table afterwards, and looked at his cup. A number with a winky face was written on the cup. It must be Joshua's. Who else's would it be? Melanie's? The brunette made a mental note to text it later, and played Slither.io on his laptop for about a half hour before deciding to leave the coffee shop.

He thought Joshua had gone home now, because it was the end of the shift. Little did he know Joshua was watching from behind the counter, and admiring Tyler's innocent beauty. When Josh saw Tyler getting up, he felt a little sad, but he was happy with the progress the two were making. The way Tyler stuck out his tongue to the corner of his mouth when focuses, and his eyebrows would press down. Josh loved it. Every little effortless movement took Josh back. He wanted to know Tyler so bad. And he would.

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