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Josh: Remember the times when like Vik wouldn't even believe in the word, like, it would be a dishonor to his family to say that word.

VIk: Then you fuckers came along..

Josh: *gigles* And now he comes through. Before Vik moved into our house in the day right...?

Vik: I was the most well mannered young gentleman...

Josh: *continues* He was fine, he was respected by his family. Didn't swear, now he's a pedophile, he swears like a trooper...

Josh: He's gone from a fucking A star student to a BTEC fucking can't breathe properly, let alone speck properly. Poor Vik bro. He's started listening to Grime, he knows Grime lyrics now. He knows UK slang. He's got two baby mums.

Josh: Oh that's JJ, my bad.

- SKIING ON WATER! (Steep Multiplayer)


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