Part 13

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I want to brace against what is coming but absolution requires openness. In this moment I do not know how to be open. The world spins as my fears take hold and inundate me. His hand runs along my spine. Under his touch I shiver.

"Your absolution will continue until you lay open and vulnerable before me. When your confessions lay upon your body, a reminder of all you have confessed, then will it stop. Are you ready to be liberated from those thoughts which hold you in bondage tighter than I will ever be able to bind you?"

My head shakes no. "Yes Sir." I reply.

"Very well, let us begin." His large hand circles the edge of my ass. "You have confessed your self-destructive ways. Frequently I have observed such things. I offer you guidance to help you resolve this trait and absolution when you step on to such a path again. From this stems your haughty attitude, feelings of failure, desire to withdraw and poor attitude. In all these things you will find forgiveness."

The smack of his palm across my ass lit a red hot impression. I yelped at the crash of it but the rain of impacts does not stop. My eyes squeeze shut in response to the pain. Against the bonds I pull to no avail. His hand pushes down between my shoulder blades. The air fills with the harsh sound of my breath. Again and again his hand collides my ass. Around us the smacks echo off the walls. Instinctively I try to wiggle away from each blow. Adrenaline courses through my body. I fight the straps. Tears prick my eyes but refuse to spill.

His pace increases as does the intensity. Everything in me works to handle the pain. Panicked screams fill the room. Each impact of his hand blooms new pain, never hitting the same place twice until my ass is covered.

The rhythm changes with consistency. There is nothing for my emotions to embrace during the grueling session. Without warning, a sob tears from my throat. The long-held tears release in a torrent down my cheeks. His hand only increases its assault. My breath comes in ragged gasps of air. Stinging blows push my body to its final edge.

"Let it go. Give it voice." His voice is soft against my raging cries.

Somewhere in time pain morphs into pure sensation. My mind empties into the overwhelming impressions of his palm across my fiery ass. Tears slow to trickles down my face. The pattern changes. His hand lingers after each hard blow. It caresses the tender skin until the blows subside.

Sobs linger in my body. Silent hiccups the last vestige of release.

His hand caresses me. Fingers brush over my hair. Murmured words of praise fill the air in incomprehensible sounds. The emotional and mental release leaves my body in spent agony.

Movement around me happens in a detached fashion. Everything floats around me like a dream. My body feels heavy and weightless in the same instance. Thoughts cannot form. In the wake of it all my mind is empty.

A soft blanket envelops me. The bonds on my limbs drop away. In the distance a voice quietly directs my movements in gentle commands. There is no hurry. The world operates in slow motion.

He pulls me into his arms. A soft kiss is planted on my temple. Gently he pushes my head onto his lap and strokes my hair.

"It seems your body responds to pain. We will explore such things outside of punishment or absolution. There you may find the cyclical continuation of pain into pleasure. For now, rest. Know are safe my pet. The endurance of rejection is done. Through pain you have walked. In it your heart shattered in sorrow. Now we rebuild it from the wellspring of acceptance, in balanced pleasure and deep surrender. Four weeks have now been repaid."

Soft words continue to fill the air. My eyelids flutter shut and the world fades into the oblivion of sleep.

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