Part 16

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His soft spoken words penetrate the haze of my mind. It rams straight to the deep dark desires I hide away from the world. His fingers renew their assault on my body. His tongues joins the barrage between my legs. Deliciously wicked anticipation drives my need higher than I thought possible.

"What do you want?" He pauses his onslaught.

"Please," I plead. "I need to cum!"

"Pet, I am paying your vicious attitude over the past few weeks with the kindest of pleasure."

I groan as he works his fingers inside me. My hips buck, in their limited movement, to meet them. The bonds strain my limps. Every attempt to absorb the intense sensations is met with a pause or an increase of pressure.


"I know pet, doesn't it feel so good to please me?"

"Please, Master!" I scream. The word rips through the air. The edge of another orgasm threatens to envelope me. For the fifth time he ceases his movements.

"You look so beautiful but I want your tears in pleasure just as I had them in pain."

He leans back down, his tongue and fingers move restlessly in time with one another. My clit throbs. There is a joy in this openness. The darker he takes me the more I trust him to rebuild me.

"I surrender!" I cry out. Another orgasm crests across my body and I prepare him to stop before I cross in to its release.

"Come for me pet!" He commands in a deadly whisper. His voice is hoarse and deep with his own need.

A final flick of his tongue pushes me over the edge. Pleasure exploded in white hot heat running through my body. I am lost to the pleasure.

Between my legs he doesn't stop his movements. The constant bombardment of his tongue and fingers push me right back to the edge. He only pauses to command me again. Without question, my body responds. Again and again he pushes me to the edge of sweet release only to shove me over into darker desires now running through me. My voice is hoarse from my screams.

So intense is the constant sensation I don't feel it coming. His finger scrapes against the pucker of my ass. The next movement send a shimmering wave of pleasure mixed with pain up my spine. The uncontrollable orgasm floods my body. Tears burst from my eyes in a release so deep I was unaware of the need. Between my legs a rush of fluid gushes out of me.

The rhythm continues until the clenching and bucking of my body slows. In time with me, his fingers slow their movement until I am a quivering mess.

"Open your mouth and clean up your mess," he commands. Without hesitation my mouth opens and his fingers thrust into it. They press down on my tongue as my mouth closes around them. I suck them gently, laving my tongue across his knuckles.

"Keep that up and I'll give you something else to suck on." His voice is raw, the edge of need obvious. He pulls his fingers from my mouth with a pop.

Finger deftly release the straps from my wrists and ankles. His hands massage each one until he is satisfied. He removes the blindfold and I stare up into the storm in his eyes. Sliding in beside me in pulse me into his arms. I drift off thoroughly spent and exhausted.

When I surface again, he is curled up staring down at me. I don't know how much time has passed. Against me his erection digs into my thigh through the fabric of his pants, demanding its own pound of flesh.

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