Support the Author

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Today, we are privileged to have many great Renaissance art is full of works which only exist because of powerful patrons.

A patron supports artists of all forms, with money, gifts, efforts and endorsements. In the past, they reserved this position for the wealthiest members of society. Under the Roman Empire they applied the term to persons like Maecenas who supported artists and writers.

While I don't write at the level of the great Renaissance artists, I do write for the same reasons- to connect with other people. Today, I can connect directly with to you- my audience. I want to get to know you as you want to read my works. The relationship is significant because I want know what I am doing is impacting the lives of others. It helps buy the caffeine we magically turn into stories.

In this new Renaissance of arts, crowd funding is moving this relationship to the hands of the masses. Just like the relationship between the writer and audience. Often, there's little support of a writer if they aren't published or seeking publication. Backing a writer allows them the support to continue to grow their work without the daily pressures of life.


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                                            Thank you for being a reader of my works

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