Part 18

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He pulls his hips back and slams into me with such force it pushes the air from my lungs. I scream in shock as he begins to pound me in a punishing rhythm. With each withdrawal the edge of my climax ebbs slightly only to race through when he plunges forward. The movement gives me time to catch my breath.

In moments I am hurling toward a climax I can't stop. Frantically I try to move my body to release the friction. He grabs my his hard and slams against my ass again.

"Please!" I cry out in panic.

His reply comes when his body thrust deeper into me twice more. On the third thrust I am lost. The ability to beg leaves me and I am incapable of stopping the rising tide as the climax rips through my body. The crash of the orgasm clenches around the endless pounding cock and sparks off the next three orgasms in succession, milking his cock until I feel him tense behind me. He thrusts twice more, his fingers bruise my hips as he grips them tight, exploding deep inside of me.

My body quakes from the intense experience. In the post orgasmic haze I register him removing the plug. Behind me his breath is still ragged. When he's cleaned up, he leans forward.

"I don't believe I commanded you to come."

Heartbeats pass. My mind reels on his words. I take a steady breath.

"I... I... I... am sorry." The words tumble out in a deep sigh.

He rolls me over.

"Up on the bed."

I scramble on the bed. Anticipation and fear mingle at his lack of action.

"Sometimes failure to obey come from the natural forces outside our control. Never will I truly punish you for such an indiscretion. I am a Master not an abusive Monster."

He slides his body beside mine and tucks an errant strand of hair behind my ear.

"Surrender means following my lead, not losing yourself. We are better when we fill in the weaknesses of the other. You are an amazingly strong woman. I am in awe of all you do."

I stretch my body beside him. Muscles twinge in pain and bruises light up across my skin. Never can I remember being so deeply relaxed and cared for by another person. No-one has ever pushed me the way he pushes me. I did not know my body could open so fully and releasing so violently. From the depths of fear and pain to the heights of indescribable pleasure he has walked with me like no other.

His demanding natures matches the weakness of my perfectionism so perfectly it should frighten me. Instead it makes me feel safe and whole.

"Thank you Master." I whisper. For a moment a fleeting look of relieve passes across his face. In the next he gazes at me through hooded eyes.

"Now we move forward pet. Surrender means giving me control and receiving my strong structure as guidance. We both have things we need to give to the other and in return we each focus on the others needs. Now I have shattered the old paradigm of selfish focus, we can rebuild the new together." He murmurs against my temple. "I for one look forward to the journey, even if we need to shatter to get there."

I look up into his eyes. A smile creeps across my face. He leans down gently kisses the corner of my mouth.

"Up next we will see how well you can use that mouth of yours but that will have to wait for another day."

He pulls me into his broad chest. Here I feel safe from the world and just for a little while I let him hold it on his shoulders.  

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