Part 17

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My body feels boneless. Tendrils of thoughts lace right on the edge. His fingers lazily run up and down my body. The ache between my legs smolders. I desperately want to feel the cock pressing against my thigh inside me.

Letting my hand slip between us, I rub the fabric. He groans. In my hand his cock twitches.

"Careful pet." He growls.

"I don't do careful." The words spill out of her mouth from deep in the fog.

He chuckled. "I guess I haven't taken you far enough if that smart mouth of yours can still find a comeback."

"You called that a push." The lazy reply slips out.

His hand curls in my hair. In a fluid movement he lifts us both from the bed and I scramble to find purchase. He flips me face down and covers my body with his.

"I was thinking about going easy on you but maybe I have finished the job."

The warmth of his fingers slide between legs and find my clit. I moan in response as it blazes to life. He rolls his fingers in circles over the hood and shock waves of pleasure race through my body as he sinks them inside.

For a moment I forget to breathe. His fingers stoke the flames until I hover on the edge of an orgasm. I push my ass up into his stomach but he doesn't less his movements.

"I don't want that ass to be jealous."

He pulls me with him when he stands. Then pushes me back down and bends me over the edge bed. Beside me the draw on the nightstand opens. Something cool, hard and sticky pushes against my ass. He increases the pressure and I tense.

"Relax pet." His soothing tone sits in juxtaposition to his insistent press on my ass. He pushes the plug further in, giving me time to adjust to the unexpected invasion. His large hand lays steady on my back as he coaxes me with his words to open for him. The plug inches its way toward its destination. My ass burns as it stretches and I groan. When the thickest part splays my opening wide I want to scream against its size but he doesn't stop until it pushes through.

"The crystal on the plug sparkles lovely around your ass." He rubs his palm across my ass, pulls back and smacks it hard. A strangled moan echoes around the room. The plug pulls deeper into my ass as I tense from his smack. The combination adds to the now burning desire between radiating from my clit.

"You're dripping again pet." Fingers trace up the inside of my thigh.

"I can't take much more."

"But pet, you insinuated I hadn't pushed you yet." His fingers pull on the edge of the plug. The muscles clamp down. My body reacts by driving the sensation in waves up my spine.

Behind me his belt unbuckles from his pants. The fabric whooshes as it falls to the floor. The tip of his cock pushes against my soaking slit. It teases my opening with short strokes up and down my pulsating sex.


"Please what?" His words are harsh.

"Fuck me! Use me!"

He doesn't change his stance or actions.

"It's delightful when you beg pet. And I want to fuck you." His brushed his cock over my pussy lips. My breath catches in anticipation. "Just remember, when I fuck you, I do it on my terms."

I tense, expecting him to plow into me. Instead, he inches forward. His cock parts my pushes into me. A moan grinds out between my tightly pressed lips. With disciplined control he moves forward until he buried himself to the hilt deep inside her. His body presses against the plug and I shift against him.

The sensation of being more full than I can ever remember consumes. With slow exactness he withdraws. My body pushes back against him to increase his pace. A hard smack lands across my ass. I stop in mid movement, arching my body against the building climax.

"Don't you dare come." His voice is firmed, tinged with an edge of impatience.

My head nods.

Another smack sings through the air and I jump.

"Yes Sir."

He moves again. I cry out as he fills me once more.

"Is this what you were begging for pet?" His gruff voice send tingles racing up my spine.

"More. I'm at your mercy."

"Yes. You are."

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