Part 15

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"Tell me pet," he whispers against my ear, "what are you begging me to do. Is it the pain you so recently feared or the pleasure? Where are those hideous thoughts now? The troublesome ones that push you so far from me."

His fingers tease me once again. The rhythm always changing just as my body rises to meet it. It only serves to drive me need higher. Once again his fingers abandon their position. My hips grind involuntarily in need. The weight on the bed shift. Soft kisses trail up my inner thigh toward my stomach. His tongue dips into my belly button and continues its journey upward. In its wake, fingers trail up along my hips until they encircle my breasts.

"Very nice." He whispers on my skin. His breath blows along my breast while his thumb gently rolls my nipples between his fingers. The ache between my leg explodes exponentially. Every single nerve ending alights until his ministrations. A new sweet agony courses through me.

His body shifts over me. Our lips crash together as his kiss consumes me. Tongues battle for control until I am subdued by his mouth as he swallows my moans. When he releases me, my breath is ragged. He lifts and cups my pussy in his hand. A finger thrusts inside and I cry out. This time he doesn't stop. He pushes into me harder and faster. I writhe and groan under his touch, unable to stop my body from thrashing and pulling against the bonds which hold me open for this torture.

"Please," I beg again.

"Please what pet? Please fuck you until you are so sore you can't walk for days? Please let you come so hard your brain explodes in pleasure? Please give you more pain to increase your pleasure as they mingle through your body?"

I groan at his words. Each one adding to the agony and pleasure pulsating through me.

"Please." It comes out in a strangled whisper. My body sits on the edge, ready to fall apart if he just pushes me over it.

Once again his fingers stop. I feel his body hover close to mine. His ragged breath brushes past my ear.

"In my hands you will wantonly open for me. Follow me into your darkest desires. There is nothing in you we will not explore. I will own you. When I command you to come, your body will respond without thought. The command to kneel will shift your mind to open dropping all the expectations from the outside world at the threshold. At my hands you will laugh, cry, scream and rage."

His words go straight through me. I want all of those things.

"Your body is enrapturing. I want to watch you sit on the edge of the abyss until the softest touch and quietest words sends you screaming over it."

My entire body quivers involuntarily. The words are a heady, seductive, intoxicating mix.

His fingers find their home against between my thighs, gently massaging my clit in lazy circles. I moan, my body wound so tight I don't think I can take much more. It demands release, and he refuses to give it. The pressure increases infinitesimally.

"All parts of you belong to me." He growls. My body clenches around his fingers. Immediately they stop their movement. The edge of the wave that threatened to take me under subsides.

"Surrender your pleasure as you surrendered your pain. Face the fear of being overwhelmed by the sensation until your mind can no long function for you. In that moment you must rely on me completely. It is this you fear."

I wanted to scream and tell him how stupid and wrong he was but he wasn't. My body discloses my thoughts and I hear him chuckle.

"It sucks when I can read your body so well." The harsh tone snaps my mind back in the opposite direction and I lose my mental footing.

I gasp at how his words push me back to the edge. Frustration and confusion bloom across my thoughts.

His tongue replaces his thumb and starts leisure circles around my clit. Hands grip hard against my thigh. Unrelenting it swirls again up and down through my growing wetness. Thoughts abandon their post as my body demands complete focus on the pleasure growing like a feral storm.

Fingers slips inside me and a growl vibrates across my pussy. Each movement stretches, probes and plunders into me. My body demands relief. The edge of the orgasm seizes me. As if he senses the impending explosion, he once again cease his movements. I scream in agonizing frustration as the orgasm recedes.

"In my time pet. Control of your body is mine."

A snarl climbs up my throat. In response the bonds tighten, pulling my body more taunt in every direction. Muscles scream.

"Surrender and you will find yourself in a world you never knew existed. Resist and you only collapse into your fears. Trust me pet." 

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