Part 14

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"Drink." His command pierces the dark fog of sleep. The edge of a bottle presses against my lips. The cold river of sweet liquid flows into my mouth and I drink like a person lost in the dessert.


I do not heed the command. Greedily I pull the watery substance across my tongue.

The bottle leaves my lips and I growl in primal frustration.

"If you will not follow my commands, you will pay the price. The choice is always yours, just as it is mine to provide the structure you crave."

My eye open in total darkness. The weight of a blindfold sits across the bridge of my nose. I try to pull my body into a ball and turn away from him but my limbs pull against the bonds pulling them in a spread eagle across the bed. Slow realization awakes my mind with a start.

"Be still." He commands firmly. "You are bound to the bed. Exposed to my observations, touch and anything else I might choose. Now, drink. Your body needs the electrolytes and sustenance. You've not yet earned the pleasure of food."

The bottle returns to my lips. With focused attention, I pull the liquid slowly into my mouth. When I had my fill, the bottle is removed.

"Eat." He presses something against my lips. I open to accept it. In the next instance I regret the decision. The chocolate on the bar does nothing to hide its disgusting flavor. Hard taffy like substance glom onto my teeth and my jaw becomes sore in the attempt to chew.

"Good. Do it again."

I slam my lips together, refusing to go through the process of digesting the nasty bar. Instantly his hand slams across the inside of my thigh and I cry out in pain. The moment my lips part, the bar pushes past them. In a struggle to breathe and not choke, I focus on chewing. Heat radiates from the handprint on my thigh.

"My job is to focus of your needs, just as it is your job to focus on mine. I will not be thwarted in the endeavor. When I am, the consequences will be swift and decisive."

The words flow from him in a loving tone but there is something dark on the edges. Things are shifting. I feel in free fall, unable to catch myself and he seems to like me there. Every time I think I will come up for air it is only a moment's gasp before I am plunged back into the darkness to face another part of myself.

"Your mind, your emotions and your body are mine in which to toy, care, love and focus."

His hand roams down my body. Fingers lightly pinch my sore nipples. The pressure continues until the pain makes me want to pull away. Neither one is safe from his assault. My body comes alive under his touch. The skin tingles. Between my legs a dull ache arises. The last vestiges of sleep runs from my mind. Hands move down my naked form, caressing the tender skin on my ass, scraping his nails around the bruises and impressions. They continue down and around to my thighs.

"You'll have lovely reminders of your absolution," he murmurs.

Two fingers plunge into me, taking me by surprise. A new assault breaks through the rambling thoughts.

"Your body likes the edge. It response when your mind isn't cock-blocking it from pleasure."

The fingers move in and out in two quick cycle, then continuing is a slow leisurely manner. There is no rush in the movement. Heat races through my body. A moan escapes my lips and his fingers stop. In the next heartbeat they are gone and I clench in pure wanton need. His thumb massages my clit in slow circles. My hips lift and mirror his motion. Pleasure spikes through my body. The movement on my clit halts and a hand forces my hips back against the bed.

"Lay still," he orders.

When my body gives into his demands, his thumb once again takes its place on my clit. It slides down my slit, pressing just inside the opening, rotating in small soft strokes. The effect causes me to focus on his concentrated movements. My breath is ragged as I try to absorb the chaotic sensations his touch courses through my body.

"So passionate and responsive." He murmurs against my breast. His tongue laves across my sore nipples. Pain zings through my body colliding with the pleasure until they are one. I want to move by the binds make it impossible. The slow constant torturous rhythm heightens the exquisite pleasure. A moan escapes my mouth.

"Open my pet." His hard teeth bite into my nipple and two fingers plunge hard and fast into my pussy, punctuating his words. The combination overwhelms. There is no distinction between pain and pleasure. They meld through my body. His fingers fill me relentlessly. Each stroke deeper. When his teeth release my nipple, his fingers pull fast and hard from my body.

I groan. The combination is drives me over the edge of sanity. Deliberately teasing me and hurting me until my mind cannot distinguish between the two.

"Please." I beg unsure what I need.

"Oh pet... we are just getting started."  

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