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Right there behind you was a...

...Another cutout. You facepalmed at your stupid mistake, glaring holes through the poor thing's cardboard head. You flicked it's forehead and moved on as it fell to the floor with a soft yet satisfying thump. Still, you couldn't shake off the feeling that the character wasn't there before. It was there, I just didn't see it. You reassure yourself.

You proceed to a fork in the hallway. There was a slight scurrying noise above your head just as a loose board fell from the ceiling, missing your nose by a hair. You backed up a little, yelping at the sudden danger. M-m-mouse infestation...You tell yourself, placing a hand over your heart as you try to calm your breathing. You make a quick recovery and turned right this time. There was a huge lever in the center of the back wall, and pictures to match each of the six pillars scattered symmetrically around the room.

There, stuck to the lever was a note. It read, 'find the sacrifices.', and you instinctively look behind yourself at the pillars, trying to memorize everything on them. A cog, a wrench, book, bottle, a...plush? And a musical note?! What? You were confused and pondered a moment over the last clue, but decided you'd figure it out as you got to looking around.

As you made your way out the room, where the board stood was another cutout of that same stupid character. The suddenness of its appearance caused you to kick it down in fright and run. The room across the hall could wait. This must be one of Joey's stupid damn pranks. I'll have his ass for this and I'll never make contact with the creep again. "Joey come out, I really am not in a joking mood." You hiss. No reply.

You found the ink bottle quickly, it was on your father's desk. It did take a little looking around the first room to find book, and you were about to leave when something shiny caught your eye. It was a vinyl record with a musical not on it. Meanwhile, the plush toy version of the cutout was on a shelf in the hallway, and the cog was hiding in the Ink Machine room all along.

All you had left to find was the wrench, and boy, it was proving to be a real challenge. The only room you hadn't checked was the room across from the cutout you knocked over earlier. You stared it down as you sneaked pass it. "Stay," you ordered, pointing as if it were an animal. You still were a little uneasy about it, and sprinted into the room ahead, only to regret it. Smack dab in the center of the room was a dissected corpse. There was a convenient poster next to it, naming the rotting mess 'Boris the Wolf'. It was chained up to a slab pretty good, so if it came to life, you'd at least be safe.

You looked around the room before your heart sunk into your stomach. The wrench wasn't anywhere convenient. It was in Boris's open rib cage. You shuddered as you reached up there with your bare hand, fishing for it. Boris what the fuck did you do that deserved this? You wondered, a little angrily to be honest. You were here for at least half an hour and you still had found not a trace of Joey, besides his cardboard cutout pranking.

The moment your hand made contact with he wrench's cold metal, you yanked your arm away and sprinted to the room, not noticing the cutout from earlier was missing. Once the wrench was on it's pillar, you pulled on the lever, but it wouldn't budge.

"Stupid damn place wants me to pull the stupid damn lever, WHICH I CAN'T EVEN STUPID DAMN PULL!!" You raged, kicking the wall. You took deep breaths, trying to calm down. Now you were confused. You had all the offerings, what more did Joey want from you? You recalled seeing a button in one room that said 'flow' on it. You couldn't press it earlier, so maybe you could now? This place is dumb. All I needed to do was turn on the Ink Machine anyway so after that I'm leaving. This place can go to hell where it belongs. Fuck you Joey and your creepy-ass shit. You were completely miserable now more than anything. You cursed in your head as you dragged your feet along.

Before you got to the room though, another cutout decided to poke fun at you and peeked at you from behind a corner. You froze, having a stare-down with the cardboard picture before it broke eye contact and hid. As you passed by it you made a face, kicked it over, and ran in the ink flow room.

Once there, you went up to the button, punching it for fun. A cute little looped video popped up on the screen, and you couldn't help but smile very slightly. You sprinted towards the room with the lever in it again, eager to turn on the machine and get the hell out.

The moment you pulled it down, you headed for the Ink Machine to see if it worked. It was on, alright, but...it was boarded up within the time you went from the ink flow to lever room. You cautiously approached the boards when some weird satanic demon ink creature jump scared you, and you screamed so loud, you didn't even know it was possible until now.

As the animation studio began flooding with ink, you regained your energy, sprinting towards the exit.

There it was, the doorframe gleaming with sunlight and practically yelling your name. You had gotten halfway down the hallway until the weight of your body added to the heavy weight of the ink caused the floorboards to snap beneath you, and you gasped. Your reflexes kicked in and you pushed against the last board your foot touched, launching you towards the other side. You missed, but the strap of your shoulder bag didn't as it began sliding off your outstretched arm.

It was looped around one of the remaining boards, and you could see the board cracking under the pressure. You made no haste in scrambling up the side of the wall, trying not to look down at the abyss below. Your hand was just a hair away from reaching the other side of the floor when everything slipped into slow motion.

Your eyes widened in fear as the wood your bag was hooked around cracked and splintered, just before you could get a grip on the wooden floor on the other side.

This was all my fault. I didn't leave after Joey didn't respond. I took the note too seriously. I went up to the Ink Machine after it was boarded up. I missed so many chances and now I am going to pay the price.

Your life flashed before your eyes as you awaited impact from below. So this is how it ends...


Oh noooooooo

Rip reader, chapter 1 - chapter 3

... Just kidding! Obviously there are more chapters for a reason. Unless you continue as a ghost! But ghosts aren't badass enough for the ending I have :)

Peace ~ Mama Meh

Where Do I Begin? (A BATIM Bendy x Reader story) *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now