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You opened your eyes. Exhaustion settled in every bone in your body. You looked over to see a saddened Bendy sitting down with back facing you, whistling a haunting tune.

"Bendy? What happened? I feel so...tired..." You stretched.

Bendy turned to face her, blood streaked across his torso and face, and you backed up in concern. "B-Bendy, why are you all bloody? Are you ok? Am I ok? What's going on?"

Bendy grabbed you by the shoulders. "(Name), calm down! It's me, it's Bendy! Don't you remember anything that happened?!"

You shook your head. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember Joey? Or Boris?" Bendy searched your eyes, deep in wonder about whether or not you were joking. "What about Sammy? Our first kiss? When you got sick? How much are you missing? How much of your memory is gone?" His tone was stressed, worry deep in his eyes.

"I don't know! All I remember is after you killed that Sammy person, we shared a few kisses and then I woke up here! Surely you brought me up here some how??" You yelled. You didn't mean to yell at him, and he knew it, but you were both really stressed out.

"No! We didn't escape, we're still down here, just in a comfortable room. Don't you remember fighting Joey? Or when we found Boris? Anything?" Bendy shook you a little.

"Bendy, let go!" You gingerly pulled his hands off your shoulders and you both took some time to calm down and take much-needed breaths. You chuckled a bit, causing Bendy to look up at you. "That joke was hilarious, Bendy. You really had me worried for a second. Now, what really happened after we kissed?"

Bendy stares at you in shock. "You...you really don't remember, do you?" His voice shakes, as he's trying to hold back tears. "I knew you hit the floor too hard...it's all my fault..." He sobs, putting his head in his hands.

Instincts kicked in and you were quick to his side. You held his head against your shoulder, rubbing his shoulder. "Shh, it's ok. I'm sure whatever happened was an accident. It's ok." You whispered.

"No, it's not ok." Bendy whispers back, voice cracking. "I wasn't there to protect you."

"But look at me, I'm alive! And...somewhat well! Heck, maybe if you tell me what happened, it'll all come back to me!" You smiled reassuringly at him.

He half heartedly smiled back. "I suppose." He opens his mouth again to speak when he's interrupted.

"Oh, (Name), you're awake! Bendy's told me so much about you!" A cheerful voice chirps from behind you.

You slowly turn around to be faced with a familiar looking wolf.




I'm back

With another chapter.

(Totally not a filler)

~Peace, Mama Meh •^•

Where Do I Begin? (A BATIM Bendy x Reader story) *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now