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You have had it. You were officially sick of living here practically alone.

Bendy had found you a food supply cabinet, but there was only so much variety to eat. Not to mention the bacon soup was...aged. It made you sick a lot but it kept you alive.

You had to escape this hell on earth some way or another, and you were plotting away like mad. Bendy had observed you going quiet on several occasions, asking about it once or twice to which you responded with 'I'm thinking', but figured it was a phase in a human girl's life and merely dismissed it.

You stretched out over the wooden floors of the basement, tired beyond belief, yet unable to fall asleep. Sighing, you got up. Maybe this was your chance.

You snuck upstairs, and tiptoed as quietly as possible, passing what you learned earlier was Bendy's room. Once you had gotten to your destination, you crawled between the boards that blocked your entry to the ink machine. You had to stop it from running in hopes Bendy would, too. After all this all happened when you ran the machine.

You grasped a single bolt that connected one of the cogs to the machine, using all your muscles to the the rusty old thing to budge. It was hard, considering you were pretty tired, and the bolt was extremely slippery. Once you finally got it loose, you frantically fiddled with the thing and got it off. The ink machine began gurgling to a halt, and you took the bolt for good measure.

Unfortunately, Bendy had felt this sudden change, and raced for the ink machine to see what was wrong. You knew you had to get out immediately. You scrambled out of the machine, just as Bendy came sprinting after you.

You booked it, running down the maze of hallways until you reached the exit, still as beautiful as ever. You leapt over the gap, but unfortunately for you, the gap was too big. You simply weren't going to make it, and you were sure to die.

Well, escape is escape, even if it means death is the only way. You thought as you fell back down into the basement. However, that wasn't the case this time either.

Two inky arms wrapped themselves around your waist, hoisting you upwards to a face of an extremely peeved Bendy. He shakes you back and forth, "What are you, stupid? You could've died!!"

"Oh look, the devil does have a heart." You sneer. "Why aren't you dead yet? I shut off your machine!"

He squints at you angrily. "The machine isn't my only source of power, dumbass."

"Wow Bendy, I thought this was a family friendly company?" You hummed.

Far from amused, he suddenly grabs you and viciously drags you to his room by the back of your collar. "I'm the rule-maker here, (Name). You don't question me," he pushes you into the corner of his room. "You don't bother trying to kill me," you had to admit, it was a little warmer and more comfortable, but you felt chills on your spine from the way Bendy was speaking to you, and you dared not reply. "And now I have to sleep in the same room as you so you don't escape again; how embarrassing!!"

"...get a life." You growl under your breath, settling down for the night.

But you could feel something in the bottom of your heart. A faint, tugging feeling that brought you a pinch of guilt. But why? You couldn't understand.

Eventually you drifted into sleep in your warm little corner.


Six is done .3. I'm so tired but whatever XD priorites:

1. Wattpad

2. Sleep

Here's the gist, either Bendy is possessive, needs a housemaid, or just plain won't admit his feelings and needs excuses XD interpret it as you wish! :D

Goodbye my little Mehs! Sleep well! :3

Peace ~ Mama Meh

Where Do I Begin? (A BATIM Bendy x Reader story) *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now