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"Boris, hide!" You whisper-shouted to your canine companion.

He nods and squeezes behind the ink machine to wait. You banged two pipes together and yelped out Bendy's name. "Bendy!! Come quick!" You wailed before pressing yourself against the wall with the light switch.

You managed to flick it off before Bendy came in. "(Name), are you ok?!" He asked. You flicked on the lights as you and Boris jumped out of your hiding spots.

"Surprise!!" The two of you shrieked. The two of you had managed to move in a small table with a bunch of paper-and-tack streamers, some bacon soup in a huge bowl, and a small pitcher of water. It was weird, the things the company workers left behind. Yes, you and Boris had set up a small party before you left.

Bendy stared in confusion. "What's all this for?"

"It's a party, silly!" You smiled.

"Oh! I know what a party is! Gee, it's been so long since I've seen one of these." He smiled. "What's the occasion?"

"Well I'm leaving tomorrow morning...and I wanted our last memories to be happy ones." You hugged him and he responded with a shaky hug.

"Yeah. We had some fun times together." He grabbed a bowl of bacon soup and began eating. "Hey, remember that time when Boris got his snout stuck in the ink bottle and we spent an entire hour trying to pry it off?" He asks as you and Boris got your meals. The three of you laughed.

"Hey, it's not my fault you put bacon soup in it! You know I love that stuff."

"Oh, what about that time when Bendy didn't know what stretching was? I thought that was pretty funny."

"Really?" Boris laughs. "Bendy, how did you not know?!"

"I wasn't as social as you, Boris, so you probably know a lot more than me."

"Hey, what about that time when (Name) was just waking up when I jumped at her? You could hear that scream for miles!!"

You smiled. "Yeah but when you landed, you broke a floor board!"

"I haven't eaten that much bacon soup, have I?"

The entire party went on like this; food, friends, memories and 'remember when's. After what felt only like minutes, it was time for your departure.

You drew in a shaky breath. "Are you ok (Name)?"

"I'm fine, Bendy. Just a little weird feeling. I haven't seen the sun nor skies nor color for three months now. I don't even remember precisely what day it is." You shook your head and smiled. "But I'll get to see Dad and Poofcakes again." Your head shot up. "Wait, I don't have to choose between--"

"No, (Name). We can't come with you. We're bound to this animation studio by the ink machine. Were we to leave, we'd slowly lose shape and conscience until we became mere puddles. Besides, we had a deal, all I wanted was Boris, and then you'd be free." He held back tears.

Boris smiled at you. "(Name), I know we haven't known each other long, but I do want you to know that you're an amazing friend. My brother chose well for the time being. I'll miss you." The two of you shared a hug before it was Bendy's turn.

"(Name), there's not much to say here. I've already told you pretty much everything I've wanted to. I'm going to miss you loads. Please remember I love you. I love you, I love you, and don't you ever forget." You nodded.

"I'll remember. I'll never forget either of you; my best friend and my ink devil boyfriend. I'll miss you." You and Bendy tightly hugged each other before kissing gently.

Bendy and Boris exchanged important looks before Bendy became inky again. He slipped between the wall, pushing out planks of wood which Boris layered across the gaping hole in the floor until it reached the end.

You gave them each final hugs and goodbyes before you walked across the hole.

You grabbed the handle and turned it slowly...


Squeeee!! Another chapter!! I'm also low-key about to cry!!!!

Y'all are so amazing, and thanks to you, this story has made its way around Wattpad. Unfortunately, there are only two chapters left to the book and then we'll be done. It'll be such a sad yet accomplishing and heartfelt end, and I'm crying just thinking about it. You've helped me though this journey for so long, and I appreciate you all for that.

Lots of love - Mama Meh ❤️❤️

Where Do I Begin? (A BATIM Bendy x Reader story) *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now