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You reached for your throat, massaging it to the best of your abilities. "B-Bendy?" You managed to choke out through your sore throat.

Sure enough, there was your little ink demon, wrestling on the ground with your kidnapper.

Bendy threw a punch at your kidnapper, hitting him in the chest. Knocked back, it gave the devil a chance to swing at him again, this time square in the face.

Your kidnapper struck back, kicking Bendy's legs out from under him.

"You try to hurt my darling, and now me? You've made me really angry, Sammy, and this time I'll show no mercy." Bendy growled. You shrunk back, into the corner as you watched Bendy's body expand nearly three times its size, and become so unstable he couldn't hold his form together perfectly. "You're gonna wish you never met a devil like me." He growls and charges him immediately after.

Caught off guard, He stumbles back into a wall, where Bendy grabs him by his overall straps and picks him up and slams him into the wall several times before he throws him across the room. Sammy, dizzy and unable to get up fast enough is tackled again by Bendy.

He rears up, ready to throw a punch when Sammy strikes him suddenly. Bendy stumbles back. "(Name), run! Just run and don't--" Sammy tackles him to the ground.

You take to his notion and make a mad dash for it. You reach the corpse room, and begin to feel nauseous again, wading through the dried blood and frail bones that crunched under your feet. You made it to the door opposite to the one you entered, and swiftly exit, closing the door behind you.

You took a moment to breathe, but you could feel bile rise in your throat at the mere thought of that room. You think; if my dad had gone here instead of me, goodness knows what would've happened to him... Your mind jumps back to the pile of dead bodies you just stepped through.

Clutching your stomach, you fell to your knees as you retched, the sour taste filling your mouth and scent filling your nose, and it only got worse from there. Your throat burned at the sensation. Your thoughts wander back to Bendy. He gave what could end up being his life for me. You stopped gradually, wiping the access from your lips. I've got to keep going.

You promptly stood up and began running again, banging doors open and leaving loud footsteps in your wake.

When you came to a final dead end, you looked up. There was the hole you came down from. Your freedom.

Looking around you spot the axe right where it was before you had disturbed it, and grasped it firmly in your hands. You were about to take a swing with it until you heard loud and slow footsteps coming from the corner you turned moments ago. Your heart began racing as a shadow appeared against the wall, and you panicked, scanning the room for a place to hide.

There! A table laid on its side, tipped over for who knows what reason, and in an unnaturally dark area. You leapt over the side, ducking behind it. You closed your eyes and prayed whatever was there would just stop and go away.

Please. Please just stop. Stop where you are and go back. You can feel hot tears sliding down your cheeks as the footsteps grew only louder. Pessimistic thoughts ran through your head as you wordlessly pleaded mercy.

Then you heard him.

"Darling?" A voice gurgled. "Where are you?"

You broke down into sobs, climbing out from behind the felled table, and into Bendy's welcoming arms, causing him to topple over.

"You're ok! I thought you'd never--I wouldn't--I don't--" you sputtered, searching for words as you laid down on top of him.

Bendy pressed his finger against your lips. "Shush. I'm here now, and that's all that matters." He smiles softly at you.

You were at a loss for words. You stared deeply into his eyes before you realized what you were doing. You smashed your lips against his, holding him tightly by the sides of his face. He wrapped his arms around your back and waist, licking your bottom lip in question.

Without much thought being put into it, you gradually opened your mouth, and he shot his tongue into it, tasting your teeth, the insides of your cheeks, and your pink tongue. He watched as your face flew into colors of red as you finally caught up to the moment.

You pulled your face away from his, and avoided his gaze. "A-anyway, my point was that I was afraid of losing you, and that's wh-when I realized I'm--"

Bendy chuckles deeply, causing your heart to pound. "I love you too." He smiles.

You grin happily and give him another well-deserved kiss.


Allô! This is Mama Meh here presenting the fans their much needed chapter :D

So yeet that's a thing.

~Peace Mama Meh

Where Do I Begin? (A BATIM Bendy x Reader story) *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now